Comedy and Entertainment: Is today's low quality due to Affirmative action / Diversity hires?

20  2017-03-09 by brothermanbrotherman

No secret the entertainment industry leans left, which is the side most in favor of affirmative action, diversity hires, matching race/gender/group quotients, because it sounds charitable and you can easily build a platform on it that people will just agree with. Rather than hiring folks on merits because they have proper abilities in that field.

We already know many high level and powerful people in entertainment earned their spot because of what their social identity is. Chicks, gays, and bad ethnic comics get gigs constantly. This is not just happening with performers. At every major network, writers are being hired the same way and replaced to serve diversity.

Producers and directors of media (non-comedy) are being replaced with inexperienced young people who have no sense or vision. Do you think this is the main catalyst behind the large scale degradation in quality of Comedy and Entertainment in general? All entertainment before us is getting lazier, making reboots with girl characters, doing remakes with minorities, but all in a way that isn't even entertaining.

Even in things as simple as basic commercials, the tone, the production value, the graphic design itself has noticeably decomposed to the point of thinking even I could have produced something better. Everyone here has detected the drop in quality of comedy on TV, in movies, and what is pushed and promoted.

We listened to radio hosts talk about it for years as they were bewildered and confused about how comedy could be so vanilla and dead. If, when authority figures like Obama attempted to mandate diversity, it doesn't have to be a conspiracy once all those ill-fitting women take over and really were just too retarded to do their jobs properly.

They just hire the shitty ones. All of our entertainment goes through an unseen filter of executive corporate nonsense trying to plug in people who suck. Do other people notice this at least? Even in rinky dink operations like podcasting, it seems the ability to properly market is just gone.


Not just in comedy and entertainment, but in every facet of life. The country has gone to shit since minorities and women have been allowed to have a vote.

This also applies to mainstream music and why it sucks so much balls. There is good music, but not in the mainstream or on the radio.

Mainstream music used to be full of ugly looking artists who made great music.

Now they all look great but the music is shit.

As soon as you ask "What happened to good music?", somebody goes "There's good music you just have to look in the right places!"

Thats the point! It shouldn't be this fucking hard to find

I think there's also a weird thing going on with the prevailing taboos for the left. They seem to have trouble realizing that they won the culture war and that their ideas dominate the minds of most of the powerful people in the world.

Comedy is at its best, perhaps, when its subversive and challenging taboos and powerful and the industry that is on the left still think the things they're deconstructing with their humour are relevant. They are for most ordinary and decent people but this isn't the 50's anymore so most of their humour is essentially punching down.

Maybe that's why it doesn't have the energy and sincerity that it once did? Because it's just a lot of really rich and influential people degrading the habits and culture of the ordinary. I guess you can get away with that sort of thing in an aristocracy but they must have to do a lot of rationalization to believe that they're still the little guy fighting the powers that be.

That's the fake part that really irks me. Also when truly subversive guys like MDE come along the bourgeois bohemian hacks -- Rednecks and guns ammirite???? -- at Comedy Central stand silent as he's purged.

Fuck them all.

tl;dr It's harder to be funny when you're in charge.

They're fully aware that they've won. They're "bayoneting the survivors." It's fun to do but it's not funny.

I blame Bill Hicks. And women.

Like Hicks, their idea of comedy is mean-girl gossip, pointing out how somebody who's not here, some loser like they're totally not, has failed to meet some social requirement that Everybody Knows. That's the reason women aren't funny (except Phyllis Diller) and why the comedy they like—and that we all have to put up with everywhere, because all corporate media is women's media—is shit-we-already-heard-ten-thousand-times "clapper humor."


I like "clapper humour". We have "clapper politics" too. Especially in Britain and Australia you watch the Question Time shows and they're basically a group of people with rare exceptions trying to say that thing that makes the zombies -- mainly women -- in the audience give their stupid clap.

They need to ban clapping.

could not have expanded on this better....... even for someone like me, before looking at MDE, I actually felt a little odd watching it at first after hearing all that shit like they were really Nazis and I was actually gonna get in trouble for watching it.

To be fair; Black men in comedy have done very well. Chris Rock Show, Chapelle Show, etc. have very memorable shows and bits. Rosanne was great for a while. Judge Judy is the highest paid daytime personality. None of these shows and stars needed to rely on affirmative action/diversity hires. You just needed to be funny, have people like you, and a vehicle that worked for you. THATS IT.

The prevailing SOCIAL AGENDA has ruined comedy for sure. And its wrapped up in its own hypocrisy. A black writer CAN'T rip apart Islam, but Asian jokes, Hindu jokes and of course WHITE jokes are OK. They certainly had their fun at whiteys expense, but as this continues to choke comedic output, the wheel will eventually turn around on black writers, and they'll take to YT and the internet and start bitching about censorship. They're already making fun of us for it, but its a system that just isnt checking itself. And eventually it'll burn everyone.

That's my point. Chappelle, Rock, Roseanne didn't get jobs because of their group - they were just funny.

Now, they aren't even trying to hire funny blacks and women. They just give jobs to any one they can find who seems safe. Talent is never taken into consideration, it's all connections and if they think they can make money off of your group.

Those people you mentioned won out because they were more talented than the overwhelming majority of white guys in their field. Now, we have ugly black people from Britain and India coming here with their dopey accents starring in movies that have terrible composition and poorly edited commercials.

Its like Patrice said before he died: "They dont want the Number 1 talent who 3rd-4th place in niceness; they want the 3rd-4th (sometimes 5th-6th) place TALENT who's the friendliest person in the room.

I'm a musician and get solo gigs and gigs with bands because of my playing, but I also love to talk shit about everything and everyone and I've lost gigs because I don't act like all the other faggots here in LA

The best example of this was Trevor Noah. There's no way they hired him because he was funny and talented. Somewhere at Comedy Central there was a whiteboard of qualities they wanted in their new host, and they were probably "not white (preferably black,) young, and preferably with an accent." Trevor Noah fits all of that, especially the "young" part. But of course, he isn't funny and sucks on camera and has absolutely no charisma. They don't care, this is about appealing to an audience and what they're learning is this doesn't result in money.

Yes. Trevor Noah is a corny, hacky, corporate board meeting's idea of what a Comedy Central host should be. The motherfucker looks exactly like Don Lemon. It was such an overly calculated choice that I never even paid attention to the cocksucker when he showed up because I knew what he was... an empty choice by hacks who wannna depict their network in a certain light. Nothing to do with merit, their brand, their intent, their content.

Later on, when he, John Oliver, Bill Maher and the other ones started picking up traction, it began feeling like kids from 2004 who loved Colbert were just trying to relive their college nostalgia. Back then, Jon Stewart and Colbert actually were funny, and they were making jokes that actually did hurt Conservative's feelings. They actually were scary powerful.

Now? None of the jokes hit their targets... it's almost like their writing staff is trying their hardest to find the weakest jokes about Trump and republicans possible. They never make good points. Every bit of it sounds and feels like they've been trained to spit out punchlines in the same "my hands are shaking frantically because I must explain to you how you are destroying our democracy, and if you'd like to borrow my copy of the Consitution I will glaaaaaaaaaadly lend you miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine."

All hack cocksuckers, every one of them.

I love the imaginary olden days where everything was amazing all the time.

I didn't say that. You think entertainment is equally as shitty as it was before we had people driven to insanity with their social political opinions?

Yes. 99% of media has always been shitty. And media content isnt driven by hiring policy, it's driven by what retards will sit through.

99% of media has always been shitty.

Lazy excuse for the reality that there has been a noticeable decline. Compare the 2000s with the 2010s and promptly kill yourself.

I like your highly scientific proof. Go watch Home Improvement and suck a lemon, and ill kill myself when im good and ready thank you.

The ratio of shit to good movies is equal in both of your links.

nulltor is right with the caveat that the entertainment industry is growing and changing with technology. in the past it was fairly expensive to make any audio/visual art with the price of equipment and distribution. nowadays "good enough" cameras and shit cost basically nothing, you can even self-distribute for free on services like youtube or if your project is more ambitious maybe you can talk some exec at netflix to give you a couple of million to shoot a tv show about the plight of trans gay monk women in Myanmar or whatever the fuck.

tons of shit that would never see the light of day before gets made now because of this. the technology enabled content to be more niche and therefore you perceive most things you are not interested as "shit" while in the 90s most shit that was made had to be lowest common denominator and satisfy as many groups of people as possible.

while i personally think 99% of what's made today is shit choice is still good. media is objectively better now and you should go fuck yourself with your whiny bullshit.

The ratio of shit to good movies is equal in both of your links.

Where are the great movies, then? If there is so much more volume of entertainment being made at the same quality, then we should be seeing a lot of incredible films surfacing all the time.

There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men were released in the same fucking year a decade ago, and I haven't seen anything like it since. List the best films of the last five years and I will admit if you have a point. Otherwise, your hand-wavy bullshit will not convince me the last year for movies has been anything other than a massive dumpster fire.

i enjoyed these movies back when i could still get my dick up and actually penetrate my date after we went to the cinema, nowadays that only happens when i time my viagra usage right therefore everything is shit

yeah, ok.

i am not your fucking movie concierge. there's shitload of good stuff out there if you look for it and i am not going to bother making a list just so you can go "lol faggot Whiplash is for plebs" and then think you made an argument.

If you can't even list a few examples of incredible films in the last few years then your argument falls apart. I'll be fair and say that television is far better than it was 15 years ago, but the quality of film has declined significantly.

I've enjoyed last 5 Villeneuve movies more than No Country for Old Men, now what? What does that prove? Fuck all. It's my worthless opinion, just like yours.

Everything was better in the 80s. The movies were all stupid as shit but nobody cared. You could just stick Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito in a movie "look, he's big and he's little and they need to run an ice cream truck, go fuck yaself!"

Media content is directly driven by hiring policy, once the entire labor force is untalented where does the quality content come from?

The labor force exists to meet consumer demand, if they are untalented thats because the free market wants an entire channel dedicated to rich cunts buying houses. The same shitty capitalist/media nexus creates reality tv about housewives, just like it created dozens of shitty western tv shows 60 years ago.

The labor force exists to meet consumer demand

Ya, they're not doing it though, is my point.

They don't have the talent. Because the landscape has been rebuilt to reward social traits over aspects of merit, we have low quality shit churned out. You have not heard bitching about TV as much as when reality shows were on the rise.

Just out of curiosity, what time period would you point to as an example of producing good tv?

Production values for TV started getting shitty when things converted to digital HD. It exposed bad production by being so clear, you could instantly see when something has little work put into it.

Everything up until about 10~ years ago seemed to be going well. Today when I turn on the TV and see the decisions these types make, it doesn't make sense that I think all of it is so bad, a dummy like myself shouldn't even know it looks like shit, let alone how to improve it. Go watch some older TV broadcasts from like 2006 even. Even the lower thirds on news networks were fuckin' better put together.

I dunno man, any argument that doesnt factor in the power that the consumers have over media production is problematic. In terms of production value: Mad Men, Olive Kitteridge, True Detective obliterated anything that had ever been on TV before. But 'the real cuntwives of cunt valley' will always prevail in ratings.

Sometimes when black comics say man white boy you better not shoot up a school I cry a little in the shower hugging my pale knees

it's al them cunt niggers

Social agendas that create an environment where a comedian has to apologize for a joke creates an atmosphere of mediocrity. Same thing can be seen in our public schools... if everyone is equal (while at the same time a precious independent snowflake) then nobody excels and we get a bunch of stupid mediocre students.

Twitter also killed comedy. Every comedian is too busy trying to think of the "perfect 140 character joke" while live tweeting whatever social event is happening.

They should go back to how it was in the 40s, have the studio and their handlers just control these people's lives. They are clearly too narcissistic and retarded to just go out into the world untethered.

I think nostalgia has a lot to do with this mindset. A lot of older shit sucked balls too.

No, no. I'm not one of those assholes. Most of what came out when I was a kid was utter shit and none of it worked.

I'm talking about things that can't even be ideological, like the way commercials are designed with graphics. I see a direct correlation between production getting worse overall, and more untalented producers being hired.

Christ you guys are stupid sometimes.

I wholeheartedly disagree with the premise that comedy is somehow not good anymore.

Watch SNL from the 70's or 80's. It's awful. Same goes for most sitcoms and stand up. Sam Kinnison stinks. So does Dice. Cheers and blazing saddles can suck my dick.

If anything, comedy used to have to be watered down in order to appeal to the masses. Now media is more niche, so you can find the show/comedian that appeals to you.

No, there is good comedy and great comedians but it isn't supported or promoted financially.

(discretion- I am a producer of video production and motion graphic content).

Really? Well all the CGI shit you guys make looks like trash now. Try harder ya fucking hacks. Billions go into it and we can still tell it's fake.

Pretty much every decision in Hollywood is determined by profit, nothing else. If Aziz or Amy are getting movies and specials, it's because they attract enough people to make money. "Diversity hiring" in media has more to do with appealing to audiences than anything.

Pretty much every decision in Hollywood is determined by profit

That isn't true, though. Everything in Hollywood is AN ATTEMPT to determine decisions based on profit. They do not have crystal balls to see when the lowest common denominator will absolutely spend money on their product.

Everything in entertainment is an attempt at pitching a premise to you. If you buy it, they've done their job. Now, replace all these cool headed slick executives with dumb cunts in skirts who are so disconnected from reality they can't even win an argument with their boyfriend. Do you think they're pitching the right stories/shows and making the right decisions?

My point actually is that any entertainment that's gotten worse isn't because entertainment is actually worse, it's because the people with jobs who decide what gets made and how are stupid girls or idiots with no talent.

Good luck trying to explain this fundamental and over arching truth to the "back in my day niggers weren't allowed to work in the media and every show was great!" guy

You're right that a lot of shit sucks now, but this is a golden age of the television series. That's what we have going for us now

Oh, did you read that in GQ or summin?


It's like Harry Connick Jr. says: this is y'all's party!

I'm pretty sure affirmative action is responsible for the low quality of most everything across the board

People will blame affirmative action for everything.

I like your highly scientific proof. Go watch Home Improvement and suck a lemon, and ill kill myself when im good and ready thank you.

The ratio of shit to good movies is equal in both of your links.

nulltor is right with the caveat that the entertainment industry is growing and changing with technology. in the past it was fairly expensive to make any audio/visual art with the price of equipment and distribution. nowadays "good enough" cameras and shit cost basically nothing, you can even self-distribute for free on services like youtube or if your project is more ambitious maybe you can talk some exec at netflix to give you a couple of million to shoot a tv show about the plight of trans gay monk women in Myanmar or whatever the fuck.

tons of shit that would never see the light of day before gets made now because of this. the technology enabled content to be more niche and therefore you perceive most things you are not interested as "shit" while in the 90s most shit that was made had to be lowest common denominator and satisfy as many groups of people as possible.

while i personally think 99% of what's made today is shit choice is still good. media is objectively better now and you should go fuck yourself with your whiny bullshit.

I'm a musician and get solo gigs and gigs with bands because of my playing, but I also love to talk shit about everything and everyone and I've lost gigs because I don't act like all the other faggots here in LA

Everything was better in the 80s. The movies were all stupid as shit but nobody cared. You could just stick Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito in a movie "look, he's big and he's little and they need to run an ice cream truck, go fuck yaself!"