You guys always say women aren't funny. Oh yeah? Well watch this. #InternationalWomensDay

3  2017-03-08 by cbanks420lol


look at the comments. No one likes this shit, yet they some how come up with the cash to keep making it.

i wonder how stuff like this happens.

I know for sure there are corners of youtubes with young gays & gals who would hoo-rah this shit, but everytime i see it it's getting shit on.

Then again im only ever subjected to this shit from here or 4chan, but the comments are still too tame to think that's where all the traffic is coming from.

Rich Jews make the tough decision of parting with a few of their ill-gotten sheckels to prop up and advertise their propaganda.

i can see some rich's doing that, but no way Vos does. tsss

Well I'm sure half of the views on this pc shit are people who hate it. So maybe I should stop watching these videos because they're fueling unjust hatred? No, bitches are dumb

Well I'm sure people outside this sub enjoyed this video, let me check the youtube co - ... oh god.

Tiff? Tsssss.

This makes me appreciate the sparkling wit of Chip Chipperson.

The tranny who looks like a pedophile janitor with bangs can fuck right off.

It bothers me how unfunny most women comedians are. Maria bamford is the only funny one I've seen

Joan Rivers was the only funny comediane