I'm in college and my "Cultural Diversity" class was cancelled for #ADayWithoutAWoman

97  2017-03-08 by MattMattMatthew

My teacher is a woman. She's really trying to smash that glass ceiling and prove that the gender wage gap does exist.

I'm glad I get to go home early and play PS4.


I love #ADayWithoutaWoman so much that I think we should make it every day of the year.

We should make them walk around in bags so we don't get reminded about them ether.

move to saudia arabia

got a lot of saudis here apparently

you like that shit? bunch of broads

I don't quite know why but I really like this idea and feel like it would conform with my deeply held beliefs.

Well the Saudis have been doing it every day since 300 b.c

The Saudis weren't even a notable tribe until something like the 1800's. You meant to say sand niggers.

Not only that.. but Islam wasn't invented until the 7th century.

Trying to trick me into thinking you already haven't been for the past year?

Way to go right for the jugular. :-(

The only women participating in this are the ones no one wants around anyways. Women really are idiots for the most part.

We had a complete cunt of a woman get fired a month ago. She always had the time to tell everyone how the place would fall apart without her. She was entry level. She got canned, replaced, and life went on. She would have loved this.

I work in engineering and design. All the women here showed up to work, and none of them wore red, either. This shit is for women who want to be stay-at-home moms, but are ashamed of it, so they have to act like it's societies fault that they feel shame. It's laziness across the board.

Lazy ads women strong arming their way into a day off work.

Women aren't strong.

They complain about wage gaps by not showing up for work. oh, the inequality!

The irony of course is the OP is unemployed and wants to be a teacher.

It's self fulfilling.

Maybe Opie won't show up for work today as a sign of solidarity.

Happy now mods? I made this topic relevant to O&A.

Do you think he's taking a day off to deal with the hot flashes he's undergoing as part of "the change."

I'm sure female corporate lawyers, derivatives traders and air traffic controllers are taking the day off too in support.

Oh no, it's just useless lumps like gender studies professors, alternative life coaches and freelance "photographers", who 50 years ago would have been doing their third laundry load of the day, while watching their 2.4 rugrats and getting their husband's supper started. They would have been happier, more fulfilled and too tired to care about meaningless gesture politics.

Strong. Fearless. Brave. Lazy.

Literally the only woman on my fb feed who took the day off is an actress who works at a restaurant.

actress who works at a restaurant

I think this may be the joke, but I think you misspelled waitress.

Or maybe I'm an actor who works at an accounting firm.

Ooooh an accounting firm. Cool digs! I'm an actor who works at a Panera Bread

i am agent in Hollywood give me gold and i have metro goldwin mayor give u an exclusive pay or play contract. am jew 2.

ok here's some gold!


it's been 2 hours, did you make it rain yet

it's called gelt.

I don't think it was a typo or a joke. It's so cliche in NYC and LA, all the waitresses are aspiring actresses. As a New Yorker, I just read it as a statement of fact.

Ew, you're so proud of being an accountant, you put it in your username. Is your job your only identity? Poor fuck.


I was using "BMoney" as a username for some site but it was already taken.

Or maybe I'm an actor who works at an accounting firm.

Are you autistic and do you kill people for a living?

I think I know her

Linda Lavin?

Tss yeah why not Loutda Lavout or sumpthin

More like love 'em and leave 'em, amiright fellas?

You think PR companies are pretty quiet today?

lol what do they sell, swim shorts and boats and guides on how to wash dishes

Sir, Rugrats was not around 50 years ago.

Only Gaybies watched that shit.

lol I was born when it came out nigga, now I'm 28. shit was cash.

Strong. Fearless. Brave. Lazy.

So you're an unemployed leech throwing stones at people with real jobs while you take advantage of free college by pursuing a teaching degree, a field widely accepted as one that fills it's ranks with the least intelligent, least capable college degree holders. You'll fit right in.

College is free?

OP says it is for him.


I think you meant to send this to the OP.

But what do I know? I'm just going to enjoy my container of coffee and hope the misses isn't too tuckered out to make supper when I get home.

I hope she gets raped and murdered while you're out and you come back to her headless corpse with a knife through her twat and you get arrested for it and you cry and go to jail for ever.

Cold supper!? Gimme gold

What percentage of female employment would you guess is just make-work that if abolished tomorrow would have no affect on the real economy? It's got to be approaching half.

Are Jim's "girls" working today?

Did they go back to Venus?

Juss riffin'

Jupiter to get more stupider

Uranus to get more anus

Neptoon if ur a coon


Strip club is still open

I'm celebrating International Women's Day tonight with a prostitute!

Make sure to give that cunt the Robert Pickton treatment.

do colleges really require that shit now? I thought it was bad being forced to take German, the language of scat porn.

You know what I'm going to do on International Workers' Day on May first? Fucking working, thats I'm gonna do.

How about Labor Day?

Why are you taking that course? Easy credits?

Mandatory for my double major. I'm going to school to be a teacher.

How are you feeling about the prospects of the profession? Up until a few months ago, I was seriously considering going for a teaching credential.

I want to be a teacher. After looking back at my formidable years, I realized certain teachers had the biggest impact on my life. I'm in my mid twenties now so I've had a lot of time between high school and now to "find myself". By that, I mean do absolutely nothing but be a bum. I also like to teach/ explain things to people. I'm also really passionate (autistic) about dumb shit like reading/ writing and history.

After talking to a few friends thatre teachers, I thought it was something I'd want to do for a long time. Besides, I'm going to school for free so if I don't want to do this in a few years, I'll just learn a trade like a real man.

By that, I mean do absolutely nothing but be a bum. I also like to teach

Maybe you should teach yourself to get a job while people who actually have jobs take a day off.

The profession is filled with the least capable people unfortunately. I saw a comparison of IQs compared to college degree awarded; teachers are near the bottom. OP will fit in.


my double major.

Pizza delivery and fry cook are majors now?

Oh sweet I wish I could go to school to be a pedophile too!

Please tell me you are gonna red pill the fuck out of those little retards.

For Patton Oswalt, every day is a day without a woman.

That's kind of hurtful. His wife just died.


Oh no! Wha happend?

colonel mustard in the bedroom with abject disgust

Ugh, I gotta take one of those too. I'm not looking forward to it. I think I'm gonna blow it off until my last semester.

Be ready to be force fed bullshit about white privilege and the patriarchy.

The teacher actually held me after class one day to tell me "my CIA gendered, white privilege doesn't entitle me to be a dickhead". All because I asked since gender is a social construct, (she was teaching social construction and how pop culture like Harry Potter and Star Trek prove its existence) why do people still perpetuate the myth that the gender wage gap is real?

Sufffice to say, she was triggered.

The difference is of course you're unemployed and she has a job.


You should have told the cunt that she isn't being sensitive to your white cultural need to get head for your time. That's what I always say

Do ya?

Ask her if being a woman is so hard how was Caitlyn Jenner able to become Woman of the Year after only being a woman for 6months?

Jesus Christ I go to a very liberal college and never experienced anything like this. This is the stuff of nightmares

Why did you not pull out your shotgun and shoot it in the fucking face?

(she was teaching social construction and how pop culture like Harry Potter and Star Trek prove its existence)

You are making this shit up, right? This is the American higher education you pay 5-6 figures for?

A lot of anthropologists and other dumb social scientists use shit like comic books, Harry Potter and Star Trek to help explain their ideas. Star Trek showing how homogenous the future will be, how comic books use a religious format to tel a story (gods amongst humans saving humanity) and Harry Potter to show how friendships work between cultures where evil will unite all against a common enemy.

I'm not making any of that up. We also had to watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and she told us how Schulz was perpetuating systematic racism by not including Franklin with the pilgrims.

the longer you wait the gayer its gonna get

One day without women and the stock market raises by 2 points. One day without men and the power would go out, bridges would crumble, and New York City would be fully reclaimed by the rainforest.

Bridges would crumble in a day?

Yes, and the rainforest would spread up the east coast from Brazil to Quebec. What's the problem stupid?


A day without sandwiches right? tssss fawk yeah

I'm sure you mean "does exist"

Good eyes there, Sniper.

I'm sitting at work and a woman is passing out flowers in coffee cups to other women on my floor to celebrate "Women's Day."

I had to hide my disgust.

On your lunch break take a shit in a cup and leave it on her desk.

Protip: she's a faaaaaaag

One thing I learned is if you are bad at your job, don't take days off.

So glad I graduated before this shit forced its way into universities. When I started there were mandatory online courses for rape prevention (actually focused on men and women being raped) and alcohol abuse and that was it. Social Justice had not invaded and I graduated about 4 years ago.

Im at college now and the rape/alcohol thing is all I've ever had to do. They fucking crack me up.

"Hey Todd you wanna do a keg stand!"

"No way bro! One drink per hour!"

The best one I saw was during the rape prevention course and it was between two guys.

Chad beats Scott at Madden and Chad gets up to leave but Scott blocks his exit with his forearm and forces himself onto Chad.

Scott raped Chad because Chad beat him at a fucking video game.

Case dismissed!

Did he take a knee to run the clock out? If so I say he had it coming


What rural Wyoming automotive trade school for native juvenile criminals did you go to?

I graduated from a real college in 1994 and the EVERYTHING IS WHITE RAPE bullshit was wall-to-wall 24/7.

My fucking dad was a commie professor and he was bitching about this same shit to me when I was eight years old and just wanted him to be the other guy in an Intellivision game.

Found a rare pic of you and your dad


I'd love to know what bottom-of-the-barrel third-tier toilet you attend.

NYU or Berkeley I'd bet my niece.

I think Reddit, and thus this sub in particular would count as social media. Man up and give your community college professor more than what she bargained for.

I didn't see an option for Weird News.

I bet he could bring him in on presentation day for extra credit and another notch on Scorch's resume.

Entre like da meal?

Just tell her you're always on this sub discussing Amy's insightful vagina references.

If you can use the word "nigger" without consequence, it doesn't count as social media.

My favorite example of news fact checking... When Bernie Sanders said the black unemployment rate is 51%, the truth-o-meter said 'Mostly True'. When Donald Trump said the black employment rate is 59%, the truth-o-meter said 'Mostly False'...

When you read their own 'fact checking', it is pretty clear Trump's number is at least based on real numbers... Sanders' is out of nowhere.

The machinations they go through to justify Bernie's misleading figure is insane.

The actual unemployment rate is 27% so Trump more than doubled the figure...

I think you are missing the point.

Right, the facts don't matter, just the point. Ok, Bernie.

I'm not saying anyone is correct... I'm saying politifact has an agenda.

Both figures were wrong, but politifact engaged in statistical gymnastics to try and justify Bernie's numbers as being correct.

He incorrectly used the labour participation rate (although that likely includes a lot of "discouraged workers"). The important point is that Bernie used the same percentage and the politifact "analysts" bent over backwards to try and twist and bend the available information to justify his statement as "mostly true" while immediately writing off Trump's statement as "mostly false."

Pharmacist is not a legal occupation when you were kicked out in grade 6.

Please use r/opieandanthony as your news feed for this assignment.

Hopefully she wants to hear about upcoming Vos gigs.

If a teacher or professor ever mentioned doing a social media experiment in an assignment I would drop the class so fast. There's no joke here people (I couldn't think of a good one).

You have to drop the class usually in the first two weeks. If you stick around until midterm, you're already fucked.

This is some real Pavlovian bullshittery, teaching students that the fastest route to a good grade is to have the "correct" opinion.

It's how they control shit to move in the direction that they want it to. Imagine the power you have dictating macro and micro economics to kids that have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. If you had an unbiased economics teacher, consider yourself lucky.

It helps me understand why SJWs take things to such an extreme. If you're conditioned to have a particular opinion, it's only natural to push the limits to receive an expected reward. It's legitimately brainwashing.

This is like when I took psychology 131 and my teacher made us do a dream analysis on ourselves for a week as our final. Sorry, I'm pretty sure psychology is not the same thing as dream analysis, because dream analysis is bullshit. I didn't do it and settled with a D+. Fuck that, though. Stupid shit like that shouldn't be allowed to be assigned. I could have just made up some horseshit, but I'm stubborn. I learned after that to drop courses early, before I got burned again by a nutcase that has no business teaching.

That being said, why the fuck would you take a cultural diversity class? What a waste of money.

I'm not taking this class willingly. It's a mandatory class for my majors. Trust me, I asked the scheduling department if it was at all possible to switch this class with any other class or just not take it. They told me I have to take this specific class if I want my degree.

Yeah, that's fucking ridiculous. I'd just write shit as mockingly as I could without being obvious, then.

I've recorded her in class a few times. She said that no one is allowed to have their phones out and recording her class is "grounds for expulsion" but I would come into clsss with my phone in my pocket and record her. You should hear the class where she was explaining " white male provilege".

The odd thing is that the reason that wage gaps still exist is because women are more likely to take time off to care for their family and hashtags.

wage gaps still exists

Except it doesn't.

Do you have a recent source? I'm not arguing, I assume you're right, I'd just like to be better informed.

What are they trying to get out of this? Like, seriously I have no idea

Even they don't know.

My cultural diversity class in college in 2001 had a white guy call the black professor a "colored person". It was all very comical, I tell ya.

Why don't they just fire people who do this?

It's pretty hard to fire a teacher or professor.

Therein lies the problem.

I was a social sciences major. We used to get stuff off all the time. Always a good day to hang out and bullshit around. I also remember a long weekend for MLK Day and my trash gf gave me a Bj. Enjoy your day off. May it be productive and fruitful.

Another fucking women's day/march?? It begs the question, why isn't there a wage gap?Lazy slits shouldn't be paid if they keep taking days off for made-up holidays.

I wonder how many more of these stupid things they're going to do this year.

We live in the douchiest time in recorded history and it's only going to get worse.


They don't really want to accept equality. Dwelling on their difference and their phantom impediments is their lifeblood.

Shout-out to the gooks and the wetbacks for going with the flow, comparatively.

If I had to take a Cultural Diversity class I'd slit my throat.

That's a weird over reaction.

If that's not the reaction you would feel then please get bullied about your tiny stomach until you hang yourself.

So by your own admission you're lazy, don't work, get college paid for by the taxpayer or mommy and you're angry people who work, pay taxes, etc., are taking a day off because of gender.

Ok, terrific.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet, sweetheart. 😘

These are things you said in this thread.

I lie, a lot.

Trust me.

Tsss yeah why not ps1 ps2 ps3 or sumpthin

Chip, that's actually an option. He really could do those things. And fawk yeah PS2. I miss Destruction Derby.

How about #adaywithoutcuntybitching? I mean, every Democrat will have absolutely nothing to do.

Count Trump supporters to roll their thumbs on that day aswell

Oddly enough the same scenario among Trumpeteers on #adaywithoutsuckingputinscock.

Maybe that's what you get for taking a 'Cultural Diversity' class in the first place.

What're you playin?



Working class people of all stripes don't give a shit about any of these movements or causes. We live in the most tolerant, diverse, and equal time in recorded history. Women, blacks, trans, gays, and Muslims who have no substance or dimension are the big culprits in dwelling on their difference and advancing the phantom impediments narrative. Sincere thanks to the Latinos and the Asians for being comparatively chill and not acting like they're trapped in an unbreakable cycle of oppression.

Completely spot-on, sir.

My stat professor told the class if they actually cared, the teachers would let the kids learn and not walk out for student who pay for eduaction. Do it on the weekend if they really care. Made a few dykes almost walk out.

Jokes on you. You're paying to take the class.

Exactly. Oh, I get to pay you so you can take days off from doing your job? Great. Not that it matters anyway; taking Cultural Diversity class in college is like taking Team Sports in high school, except you're dropping thousands on it. You're the sucker here. You should have just payed to take a math class or something, and actually have gotten something out of it. Sure, it's harder, but it's also why you're supposed to be in college in the first place.

I'm in college


3:30-6:30 Hydrology lab cancelled today! GO WOMEN!

I'd be pissed and ask for a portion of my tuition, no matter how little a class would cost, be refunded. A teacher at SUNY Geneseo cancelled class the day after the election because ".....I just can't". I was pissed for a friend who had her and told him he should seek some sort of redemption for stupid fucking politics interferring with my overpriced education.

One of my favorite things I've ever done is get an A+ in this dogshit elective I took called Modern Social Problems. Professor was a massive lib and every paper I wrote poked holes in ideas she clearly advocated, from occupy wall street (that one was easy) to race stuff to political correctness in comedy. That was the final essay and I actually closed it out with a link to the youtube of Patrice's dismantling of that NOW broad (or "brawd") on fox.

There was a point near the end of the semester where the class lost respect for her, acting like petulant children making a chorus of noises because the video she had us watch was more than 10 minutes past the class's end time, and she flipped out on them. The next class she addressed the incident indignantly and vitriolically, and I explained that if you treat college students like high school students - she used those shit desk-chair combos in the classroom because she wanted to form and re-form group circles quickly and multiple times per class - they're bound to act like immature high school students. Instead of the 18+ year old adults that they are. Who pay (or their parents pay) for this education btw. She took the criticism as a defeat and acted really apologetic like she made a huge mistake, which she did.

I think I actually changed this fat old lib's entire view on life. And I didn't even have to stick my prick in her to get the job done.

You win.

One day.

yeah, women are usually the more race traitor-y of the species

drop that and take a useful class like anything else

Nigger why are you in "Cultural Diversity" class in the first place, is that like special ed except you paid for it?

Number of comments in thread: 143

Number of times "cunt" appears in thread: 5

Ya'll niggas slippin'.

If I had a job that could be so easily done by a machine (I do) I'd be way less willing to take a hugely visible day off.

Hey the tunnel flounder didn't get there memo.OHHH.

colonel mustard in the bedroom with abject disgust

Hopefully she wants to hear about upcoming Vos gigs.