How 'bout the VAULT 7 leaks, huh?

8  2017-03-07 by TangerineReam


New fallout game?

ha ha yeah vault 7 what is that like a new barbecue sauce? anyway

i like this stuff but i aint clickin that shit

I'll save you some time:

  • DONT buy a smart TV.

  • Dont keep anything incriminating on your phone: Keep it on the encrypted apps you may use (WhatsApp, etc)

  • Someone named a hacking tool after a Pokemon

and what about the "Meme Warfare" being a real thing? was that true or did i get duped?

Meme Warfare is nothing more than the next Call of Duty franchise shipping in 2019.

can I still suck peckahs?

They can also read encrypted stuff, because they have access to the front end aka the user's phones.

CIA keeps a library of foreign spy tools and uses their distinctive ''signature'' to do their own (false flag) hacks, therefore the narrative of Russian hacking of DMC servers is more or less obsolete.

Trump's accusations of wiretaps are essentially proven right by the leaks. While i personally think, that they would not dare to put the first African-American president into prison, Obama's hands are now pretty much tied.

Rich Vos will be appearing at the South by Southwest festival in Austin TX starting Saturday March 11th all through Tuesday the 14th.

they would not dare to put the first African-American president into prison, Obama's hands are now pretty much tied.

But how fucking appropriate would that be

Holy shit. That would sum up America. Concise

CIA keeps a library of foreign spy tools and uses their distinctive ''signature'' to do their own (false flag) hacks, therefore the narrative of Russian hacking of DMC servers is more or less obsolete.

So the CIA who hates Trump hacked the Dems & gave it to WikiLeaks to help Trump & fuck Hillary, then blamed it on Russia...

Sounds legit.



Run DNC whatever

Does anyone still believe Michael Hastings' death wasn't murder?


Time to make a new reddit account.

as much as I believe patrons wife wasn't one

The sad part of it all is that just like the Snowden leaks this is going to forgotten fast and WikiLeaks will be dismissed as a Russian spy front again.

If it is, it'll be because of apathy, like yours.

I'm pretty sure Wikileaks is a Russian spy front. That doesn't change the fact that this is real. But Wikileaks is clearly working for the interests of Russia at this point.

You get that intel directly from your job at Mi5 or was is there a secret spy ring for truckers in operation?

No, I just have the ability to read, and have an IQ above 100. This is a good article about the Russian connection with Wikileaks.

Alex Jones was right again.

What was he right about? He said the CIA was spying on people? NO shit. Here is a compilation of your boy making a fool out of himself...

Are you an interdimensional child molester? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

I think the weirdest thing is when those two savages shot up a bunch of people in Cali and the government was going nuts on apple about creating a backdoor to get into on of their phones. Was that all just bullshit and why?

The CIA probably keeps stuff like this secret from everyone but the NSA and the DIA. The FBI still ultimately has to go through the court, and the CIA isn't going to expose the best technology to that. It's not like it is remotely surprising that the CIA has the technology for this.

Even more messed up that they didn't use it

That whole thing was just a show. If you think they really needed to see the iPhones contents to see if they had ISIS ties you're an idiot. Yeah they have the largest data mining operations in history and front end OS access but they were foiled by a 4 digit passcode.

99% of CPUs have built in backdoors.

I think just trying to set a legal precedent so they have an even easier time.

Exactly, it's basically no different than the Wire, where they know what is going on but they need to make it legal. Only it's fucked up that they are doing it by strip mining the entire world's conversations.

Jim: yeah man, this is why I don't upload stuff to the cloud. I just don't trust it.

promptly deletes his cloud thinking it's gone forever

What does this have to do with Tits, the Worm, or the pedophile?

That sounds like a good reality dating show.

At least 90% of it was pretty much things already known, anyhow. America/The CIA, Russia, China, South Korea, etc. all spy on their own citizens, if need be, and pretty much use the same methods.

The real problem, as far as I can ascertain, is that a lot of methods used have gone public and any person is left vulnerable to attack to any person with enough knowledge. However, companies can't necessarily patch and fix the exploits because the CIA makes them report back to them first.

Now wait until people find out you can potentially use wifi signals to track and view people through walls! /

I should've included that, but you're right


as much as I believe patrons wife wasn't one

Meme Warfare is nothing more than the next Call of Duty franchise shipping in 2019.

Are you an interdimensional child molester? Because that's what it sounds like to me.