I'm thinking that we should start a Megathread of all the evidence that 1: Ant (allegedly) "enjoys" transsexuals, 2: Ant is (allegedly) FUCKING his niece and 3: Ant is (allegedly) somewhat GAY. Is that ok, SpaceEdge?

7  2017-03-07 by Every1ShouldBKilled

No slander, libel, or doxxing. Nothing that would get the sub shut down. Just a stock pile of evidence for people to review and draw their own conclusions, no trying to sway opinion in one way or the other. Hopefully upvoted enough so that it shows up in a google search...


You okay bro?

I think it's fair to say that we are all not okay, bro.

Another post hidden from the sub

I think it's fair to say that we are all not okay, bro.