Jim Norton: Mouthful of Shame | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

89  2017-03-07 by beavvv


The easy Charlie Sheen joke is there but he goes for the dated Magic Johnson one?

It's just Jim's fascination with big black dick so he had to throw in a famous Black AIDS victim instead of the current White AIDS victim.

Because he's extremely racist.

Because he already mentions Charlie and this was part of the same bit

Fedoras! Granny panties! Black cocks! Condoms!

Evolution is a lie! At least for worms!

Fawk yeah!

should i be surprised it looks this bad?

I'll of course be giving a day 1 netflix watch to help Jim with the numbahs like I do for Colin, but boy he really does shop at the "I hope you fall in a puddle of AIDS" store for every punchline.

I saw a guy with a fedora! I HOPE HE HANGS HIMSELF!

My mom's panties are gross! ID RATHER KILL HER THEN TOUCH THEM!

Wear a condom? ID RATHER GET AIDS!

That being said the little larva does know how to twist an entertaining sentence.

I like twists. He's the new Anthony Jeselnik.


The guy that wrote Amy Schumers materiel back when she was funny

She was funny?

Yea she was, when that guy wrote for her. I never noticed until I hear Jeselnik for the first time at roasts. It's fucking identical style.

Was looking for an "exactly" to be used in a humorous manner.

Jeselnik's first album was hilarious

Remember to give it one star to help with the rating

I liked that. I mean i was gonna watch it anyway but yeah

It leant itself to one of these stand up type trailers (which are really hard to pull off) better than most comics Ive seen.

I like fat Jimmy better. He's more fun to look at.

Its like hes beein doing the same special over and over. Aids

That's exactly right. Every Norton special is the same except for the topical shit, but by the time the specials are released nobody remembers the references he's making.

That magic Johnson line was kinda funny though

A Magic Johnson AIDS joke was shocking 15 years when he first told them. It's like Rickles calling someone a hockey puck. Or Dice calling a mouthy broad a whore. So, so tired.

For real that joke is so fucking old.

He did a bit in this special about "a new app called Tinder." Then proceeded to explain how it worked. Groundbreaking stuff.

I read your comment in "snarky Jim Norton" voice.

Patrice said 15 years ago Jims whole stand up is ''Blah blah blah SARS blah blah blah AIDS''

Still rings true today

Hey Hey Monkeypox!

ring around the rosey....

it's almost like it's not... special

Name: Jim Norton Domain: eukaryotes Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca

He's more annelida

I'm not gonna lie. This was pretty funny. I came in wanting to hate it, but I can't.

I'm not gonna lie. This was not funny. I came in wanting to like it, but I can't.

Jimmy has the muscle tone of veal

I've seen more definition on a Christmas ham

Veal comes from baby cows. Ham comes from pigs. You dolt.




Some would even say the parallel is drawn between the type of meat used to compare Jim's physique, but not you. No you're too clever.

Somewhere between a shorn lamb and half-baked clone.

And yet he's better than 90% of the acts out there.

Whoever makes these trailers should have their parents killed

Doon naa dvvvv.

laughs, Guitar effects, laughs yeaah

how did your parents die?

Tragic orgy fire.

In their sleep

Sleep is so tragically close to wombs.

Thats terrible, I'm sorry.

Finally a positive review.

Bick Bickerson ate them

Yuck. Stop name dropping faggoty sub names, you faggoty faggot.

Jeez buddy quit being such an /u/old_man_dummy

I for one think your autism is exceeded by your faggotry, but hey, that's just me.

Awww thanks I appreciate that. I knew you liked me a little.

Best canned laughs since Yakov's Dinner Adventure.

Vegetable medley? What a country!!

Real linen napkins!

And a fake candle! Eh eh eh

Magnetized trays!

tss...Why are you a Russian, you got somewhere to be or sumfin

Take us out E-Rock!


Hot food!!

Imagine being Yakov. All this fresh topical material about Russia.

The good news for Yakov is that Russia is topical again. The bad news for Yakov is that his hayseed patriotic audience likes Russia now.

I'll give it 5 stars just to help out our sweet boy. I can't wait to see the intro movie.

I was ready to lay a mean little toot on this but I thought it was good, especially the last one.

If she's hanging by her underwear how the fuck is he going to stomp her fingers?

By hanging on to her pantys

"I wouldnt touch my mothers underpants if she was hanging off a bridge by her underpants" No one would because they would fall, Jim. "I'd probably justblow her a kiss and then step on her fucking fingers." But you just... you just said she was hanging on by her underpants. Why would you step on her fingers if she's hanging by her underpants? Shes not using her fingers, Jim, she's using her underpants that yiu dibt want to touch. How the fuck did you fuck up this much in 9 seconds?

No no no, she's holding onto her underpants while her underpants are the thing holding onto the bridge.

It's a very weird set up, i don't know why she wouldn't be wearing the underpants, but what i've written is the only logical explanation

It still doesn't make sense unless this is what he meant

Why does the railing go through his hand?

He's lost so much weight, he's transparent.

Your drawing is stuff of nightmares

We need to think outside of the box:


The underpants need to be roughly 3-4 feet from the bridge edge, well secured to the pavement (I've used camping stakes here), and ideally made of carbon fiber or spider's silk.

But in that case you wouldn't need to touch the underpants to save her because you could grab her arm.

You're right I'm starting to think this bit doesn't hold up to scrutiny

it's exactly that. Very strange mind that Norton

I require more of these in the future. Thank you and/or fuck yourself.

This needs to be a shirt.

"Idk who this guy is but 1000000x better than Amy the pig" ... meh not that much better actually

All of Jimmy's comic friends should have an intervention for him where they get him to quit doing stand up.

What an edgy young man.

I seriously think this is my first Opie & Anthony Mandela experience moment, didn't Jimmy release a special called mouthful of shame like two years ago?

Every Jimmy special has a Magic Johnson AIDS joke

Jimmy is looking a little AIDsy himself with that way to big shirt and his new skinny old body.

The reason Norton's material is so forgettable is because most average people can't relate to sex with trannies, edging and having no hobbies or outside interests.

Im glad that Bobo is making some extra money from writing jokes for Jim

I may have to cancel Netflix and sign up to Hulu.

damn these jokes are not that good

He said he wasn't happy with the trailer... so is this the one he wasn't happy with or did he actually approve this one?

He stinks and I don't like him

We get it Jim magic Johnson is black and he has HIV, really fresh material. This special looks like it will compete with Fat Amy's. Had this trailer been posted on YouTube for comments ?

Smooth putting out your garbage no-laughs-special seconds before Louie CK's next mind blower you dumb cunt.

This is a better trailer than Colins and Rogan's, and both of those were good(Colin's was better). So I'm excited for this.

I'm glad Jim is finally getting a big time Netflix special. He's worked hard on this tour, and he's finally comfortable with his physical appearance enough so that his confidence shows in his delivery.

He looks great! That said, coy Jimmy is always my favorite Jimmy.

This positivity sickens me- CQ

Ah, delivery with the spontaneity of an abortion...

Does he do the enema bit

netflix specials are the new cable half hours

Seeing how many "who gives a fuck" comedians are getting specials...yeah. You're right, peckahsuckah.

I don't get it, this a movie about a middle act in 1993?

I wanna watch though, bet he does a great honk on air travel

Jokes about people who should kill themselves? CHECK

Jokes about sex/his sexuality? CHECK

Now all we need is a joke about Dealey Plaza and it will be almost identical to his last 4 specials/cds.

Pretty funny imo...y'all are a little hard on jim. My god is he ever a degenerate though.

Literally thought there was some kinda glitch that brought me to some past version of the front page...Jimmy really didnt already release this special like 4 years ago?

Mouthful of Aids

I love jim on the radio but his stand up does nothing for me at all

So natural with his delivery. Confident and at ease on stage and primed with biting social commentary, let's give a warm ChuckleHut welcome to Jim Norton!

I don't think any of these stories happened.....since he doesn't do much.


Clicked the Chapelle trailer instead.

At least his special is on Netflix now instead of some chickenshit streaming network no one has heard of.

Jimmy doing fashion jokes is like Stevie Wonder driving a school bus.

stand up fucking stinks


I really hate to admit it, but I did laugh while watching the trailer. Maybe it was only because the audience laughed.

Jim is an obnoxious baby boy, and he seems to have lost his edge on the radio, but unlike most here I actually thought his standup was pretty good (even if it is repetitive). I guess it can't get worse if his act never changes.

Jim is responding well to the chemo

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Remember when Colin said that, unlike most people who lose a lot of weight and end up with a disproportionately-large head, Jim's head is shrinking with the rest of his body? Yeah? Well he was fucking wrong.

Norton now looks like something that recently crawled out of Area 51 while simultaniously chanting, "my precious!!!"

Jim's second book should have clued people into the fact that gym is only good at shallow humour.

Wow. Jimmy really is a terrible comedian.

love that signature blink. it's like Rodney straightening his tie.

compared to CQ and other's trailer lately, this looks good. regular jokes and not just yimmy complaining about how america is a bunch of babies

A lot of people keep saying that Jim isn't evolving as a comic and that's why his career has stagnated while all of his openers are huge stars now. But maybe that's not the problem. Maybe he should just embrace how one-dimensional he is and make it his gimmick. Go for that old school style of stand up comedy. Get some catchphrases. Wear a wacky outfit. Advertise that Norton will be doing all of his classic tranny and shotgun material, so the audience knows the lines are coming and can prepare their laughs accordingly. Larry the Cable Guy was just another struggling nobody before he found his niche. Jim could do the same!

aids dicks cum black prostitute underpants, (saying underpants makes it funnier)

Thank you, have a good night.

Why does the railing go through his hand?

Your drawing is stuff of nightmares

We need to think outside of the box:


The underpants need to be roughly 3-4 feet from the bridge edge, well secured to the pavement (I've used camping stakes here), and ideally made of carbon fiber or spider's silk.

it's exactly that. Very strange mind that Norton


I require more of these in the future. Thank you and/or fuck yourself.

He's more annelida

But in that case you wouldn't need to touch the underpants to save her because you could grab her arm.

Awww thanks I appreciate that. I knew you liked me a little.

Some would even say the parallel is drawn between the type of meat used to compare Jim's physique, but not you. No you're too clever.

This needs to be a shirt.