Is Amy Schumer even considered a comic these days? What the shit is her new netflix special?

28  2017-03-07 by pabbseven

Her jokes are shit. She doesnt feel smooth or comfortable in her act. Which is what it probably is, just capitalizing on the over the top feministic movement.

Since she said the person she used to be were just a character. She used to be funny on O&A, decent on roasts, edgy and pretty funny. But now shes just the female spokesperson on funny.

I'm 12 minutes into her netflix special and its awful. Its not funny shes just making statements. Its all about men vs women and how unfair it is to be a women, who cares shut up. Step your game up no one is stopping you.

And the fact that we live in the most equal/fair world ever, specially in the west. Look at those shit countries in the east were you would get stoned for death from even reporting to the police that you got raped, or married away when youre 8 by someone who looks like Ant at 75.

Her jokes have so far been 100% about gender.

I'll respect her if she later comes out and say "yea I just took advantage of the dummies and made billions" but ugh, a 10 year comic having a special who cares, Hinchcliffes was 5 times better.

I guess women finds her funny? Because shes talking about women "problem" and they can relate?

ps, im ranting cus the special is boring, cant watch without doing something else. Also im generally sick of this crying from people about gender and being PC.

also most


Look at the comments on that Wendy Williams clip, so far untouched by haters. Lots of "love dis gurl" type comments. Somehow she's found her audience.

You're surprised? Black people love hacky sex jokes and fat white women. I'm shocked her crowds don't look like a Katt Williams audience.

Why would they look like a younger version of Ant?

She used to be funny on O&A, decent on roasts, edgy and pretty funny.

None of this is true.

yea she always stunk she was just thinner so it was fine

And she at least attempted to mimic their comedic style, but now she is just doing fat and proud feminist sex and female body part jokes.

You gotta track her career.

In 2007 she got her "big break" placing 4th on Last Comic Standing behind "that thing got a hemi" guy and the fat black guy from Breaking Bad who worked with Burr. It lead nowhere.

She starts to date Jeselnik and he's pretty damn good at writing misdirection jokes, so he writes a bunch of funny female-centric jokes for her and they're funny. She gets her Comedy Central roasts and maybe a special or two before they break up.

But never fear! Comedy Central offers her a show, and with that show comes a team of writers: cue Kurt Metzger and others to again, write her jokes for her. Hire a writer's room and then present all their jokes as coming from inside the twisted mind of Amy Schumer.

But then that show ends, and she starts dating a prettyboy civilian instead of a stand-up, because at the end of the day despite telling men to find her sexy, she doesn't want to date a Kurt Metzger. She wants Jeselnik, she wants Dolph Ziggler, even in her fucking movie fat Bob Kelly gets one second of screentime as a guy she "fucked" but John Cena and Bill "I'm the richest sports doctor in all of New York and Lebron James is my close personal friend" Hader are the primary love interests.

So Jeselnik was really the guy she needed - handsome enough for her high standards, funny enough to write the jokes. Now that that ship has sailed, and the show's been cancelled, she's left to her own devices. Like Opie doing a radio show all by himself, it starts becoming clear to people that she never had talent, she just surrounded herself with talent and reaped the rewards. Add that to embracing the SJW "there's correct humor and incorrect humor" mindset that severely limits your ability to be edgy - don't think we'll be seeing more Beyonce parodies from Amy - and the increased amount of people going "Amy Schumer isn't funny", and, just like Opie, you have someone clinging on to the big dollars for as long as they can.

There's a ton of money to be made from netflix from doing a comedy special, and if you turn in a C- or D+ special instead of an A you still get the check. Keep clocking in the old timeclock and cashing the checks until society is officially finished with you, then eat the entire carton of Ben & Jerrys while some Abercrombie model eats you out because in his mind it's worth the vacations to Ibiza.

Oh shit, think you nailed it. Shes just an actor with jokes written for her, basically.

Except, she can't act. Sho goes from stock expression to stock expression. It was probably in her script for Traiwreck "Amy looks puzzled", "Amy looks angry", "Amy looks surprised". She plays the same character in everything. Even that piece of shit with Goldy Hawn, it's the same fucking character she did in Trainwreck and on her show. "Fat girl looks surprised." "Fat girl looks determined."

She might as well be a South Park paper cutout. "Hey, get me Amy's perplexed head?"

Man, I can't believe you're this invested.

I mean this really says it all

It reminds me of Jimmy shitting on some critic. He said "If you don't like it why would you listen to it? You listened to a comic you hate for 15 mins? why would you do that?"

It's cringeworthy to think you sat there trying to analyze something you hate. For what? To come onto the O&A reddit to tell this to people who also hate her?

No one needed a research report on why she sucks. It really just makes you look pathetic.

I think it's more pathetic to reply "that's pathetic", at least his post contains information. Horribly inane asinine useless information, but information.

There's more merit in researching a pig's career than to complain about someone researching a pig's career.

Definitely not. I didn't do 'research' to have to figure out this guy is a douchebag with no life. He sat there writing a report.

Just based on time spent, he's way more pathetic in my opinion.

And if we're throwing around insults then, you're just as pathetic for thinking I'm the dick, when this guy literally wrote a report about some dumb bitch only weird dudes obsess about hating.

If you obsess about some female comic - you're a fucking faggot with no life.

I don't like her either, but I don't need to post about her literally every day or analyze her life to prove my point.

The people who post about the lena dunham or whatever her name is, and amy s constantly - are fucking almost as cringey as the people they're shitting on.

Makes you look like you care way too much.

My original comment was 433 words.

You've now managed to write 236 words in three replies about how angry you are at the length of my post.

I could write 100,000 more and you'd still be more cringy and pathetic.

Go write another report about a comic you don't like.

If this post angers you this much you should read the post I made on a Chip Chipperson Show conspiracy.

Turned out most of it was complete horseshit but I got a 30-minute phone call from Norton out of the ordeal.

I get it - you have no life.

in all seriousness though Amy Schumer is a fat fucking pig.

That about sums it up. Fawkin home run sock cucka

There's not going to be a better summary of her entire shitty career than this.

I agree with the part about handsome Anthony Jeselnik. He certainly is dreamy.

Excellent breakdown. She absorbed the "cellar attitude" like a sponge (physically, mentally) because she was insulated by it, and that plus (((connections))) led her to a place where she became a symbolic figurehead on a pedestal and when all the actually talented help fell away she was left to toe the line all on her own, as a <10 year comic. We see the tragic, grotesque results of that non-stop now. She closed her HBO Apollo special with the urbandictionary bit. In 2016. Yeah.

It's a frustrating reminder that Jeselnik stays behind the scenes so much, which I have to believe is a by-product of not selling one's soul. He honestly might be the best contemporary comic going in terms of credibility and raw hilariousness. CC keeps trying to press him into "THE NEXT JEFF ROSS!!!" gimmick mold, but he's way way too funny and mean for that. He cultivates that fixed posture, but the thing is that he's actually so smart, sharp and always funny that it doesn't come across as an affected put-on.

Good comics - Seinfeld, Chappelle, Chris Rock - all of whom have netflix comedy specials coming out in the near future - it's been so long since their last specials that it gets you excited. Spend time writing jokes, separating the killer lines from the filler, give the people a chance to miss you. Holy jesus do I want to hear Chris Rock talk about all the shit happening in America right now.

When you choose the other way, oh shit I'm hot and relevant right now, lemme quickly sign that Netflix contract and write some more vagina jokes, it's going to suffer. Third Eye Blind can tour the country playing Jumper and How's It Gonna Be with Semi-Charmed Life as an encore and everyone loves it, but comics have to constantly be coming up with fresh new jokes. While it's acceptable for Vos to tell the same jokes in Jacksonville that he's been telling in Jersey for years, when you're getting a netflix special and the $$$ that comes with it, you need to deliver the goods for the sake of your career.

I'd rather not confirm my suspicion that Chappelle and Rock are going to rail against whitey for an hour.

dont forget the book that she wrote and her publisher took a bath on

The fact that we know who she is because she won a game show doesn't get brought up enough.

Dammit you already touched on the misdirection jokes and Jeselnik.

She had funny lines on O&A though. I was always the Princess and the Pea with that show, I looked for any reason to hate any comedian they had on, and she never bugged me.

To me, that makes it even worse, because she basically sold out on her old persona as being "a character".

Netflix has gone downhill in the past little bit. I don't know what it is but they're really pushing political shit now, which is what I rate 2017 Amy as. She sure as fuck is not a comedian.

She went from the somewhat attractive (I know) blonde Jewish girl that had a dad who was dying on O&A that I kinda felt bad for, to the manufactured politicized celebrity paper tiger comedienne who plays the "laugh at me or you're sexist, btw you're sexist anyway haha" card.

I find her contemptible on every level that she exists.

I don't know what it is but they're really pushing political shit now

George Soros (the man responsible for Ukraine, BLM, Feminism, Rapefugees, etc.) owns a large part of Netflix.

I know.

I've been to her shows twice.

I've never seen a comedian repeat more of the same material. It was stunning. I'd estimate about 50% of her act was a repeat.

Even more surprising was that these two shows were four years apart.

So Amy Schumer has likely been doing the same jokes for at least half a decade. And someone else wrote them.

And not a single comic called her out on it.

TIL that Amy Schumer's show on Comedy Central is over

She's slowly becoming the female Gallagher.

I hear she's got a new patent on a new garbarator system where you install her under your sink.

I hope she uses her own head instead of a melon

I get a bit tired of all the Patrice ball washing, but damn if that big beautiful man didn't see right through her from the start

He was the only one on that show with a spine. The three regulars were the type of guys who always felt the need to grovel at women in studio.

She's now on the level with Margaret Cho and Jeanine Garofalo, where she doesn't need to be funny she just needs to be weird, gross, and angry. She's going to get as much play out of her stale cavernous cunt but I think in the next few years she'll go full on "brave."

She's playing a character, man

It all started going downhill when she stopped dating Jeselnik, he clearly wrote most of the jokes she used to become somewhat famous. Notice how she hardly ever does misdirection jokes anymore, and when she ddoes they stink?

Yuuuup. I remember when I first found out they were a thing and then it all fell into place and made sense. Her "comedy" was his comedy, clear as day.

Remember when Courtney Love's only good album was thanks to Kurt writing it?

No, why would I remember/know that?

I wasn't talking to you.

Yeah you were.


or married away when youre 8 by someone who looks like Ant at 75.

You could've just said Ant

she was never funny on OandA....

You guys used to agree with anything they said they said she was funny, you shook your head without questioning it.

Please tell me what funny thing Fatso Amy did on the show?

Remember when they all had crushes on her and flipped out like 14 year olds when she wore a bikini to Ant's pool party? You'd think they've never had sex before the way they whooped it up like porch monkeys.

She sold out to be a PC cheerleader. I personally never found her funny anyway, especially since she's a woman.

It reminds me of Jimmy shitting on some critic. He said "If you don't like it why would you listen to it? You listened to a comic you hate for 15 mins? why would you do that?"

It's cringeworthy to think you sat there trying to analyze something you hate. For what? To come onto the O&A reddit to tell this to people who also hate her?

No one needed a research report on why she sucks. It really just makes you look pathetic.

I think it's more pathetic to reply "that's pathetic", at least his post contains information. Horribly inane asinine useless information, but information.

There's more merit in researching a pig's career than to complain about someone researching a pig's career.

He was the only one on that show with a spine. The three regulars were the type of guys who always felt the need to grovel at women in studio.

And not a single comic called her out on it.