Jezebel goes all in on Kilstein

2  2017-03-07 by crookedmile


Im not even mad. He went undercover male feminist to get pussy. He got in too deep and it changed him; maan Tried to be serpico, now hes cosby

gta:sa muh nigguh

So he didnt rape anyone, just pursued these chicks and in that world he raped them

When not raping someone is just as bad as raping someone, you know somewhere down the line, you fucked up

Yep. Think yourself lucky you live in the opposite of that world, where a chick will convince herself she wanted to suck your dick and the promise of skag had nothing to do with it.

I havent done a shit load of digging on this guy cus who cares but I dont remember the initial statements saying rape or assault, I think they said he was being manipulative or inappropriate.

they had to add that ge was being predatory just to make it sound bad

I dont have trouble believing he was a predatory scumbag but predatory isnt saying 'rape'

Doesn't matter, when you release a big statement on firing a guy for "predatory" behavior, everyone thinks "rape."

I'm almost positive they specifically excluded rape in their statement and also made space for Kilstein to address it on their podcast which he declined.

They might have, but I'm talking about the general public perception. Just because they didn't say "rape" doesn't mean the average person (who has no fucking clue what Citizen Radio or Jamie Kilstein is) won't think that.

Its not ultimately going to matter. Shouldnt be a creep and you wont get embarrassed, lesson learned.

were all creeps dummy. All he did was dump it into girls who fell inlove with him, and when he wouldnt leave his girl for them, they turned the tables on him. I really want to say serves him right but this shit happens to guys all the time. Its sickening I say, sick uh ning

Theres no semblance of relation to whats going on with this idjit and what happens to actual people.

“You don’t want the world to see that this world that we’re trying to create is not better. You certainly don’t want the misogynists to see. That’s so painful.”

Don't worry yourself you dumb box, you'll continue to go on convincing yourself of anything and everything you want, I have no doubt.

Maybe they should be saying "Men are always going to be horny so we should castrate them if they want to join our club."

Shut up, man. They're gonna read that and think that's a fair idea.

that was the best article ive ever pretended to read. The best word this sub ever taught me is Schadenfreude im all in with the killstein hate

this is reasonable in their world : “We believe all of the women involved and were able to come to a swift and easy decision without having to hear Jamie’s side of the story or anyone else’s,"

I'm fine with this, anyone who makes their bones pandering to sjws will be fucked, people who pay them no mind will be fine.

Unless you really fuck up and get racist on twitter when a chick beats you up.

“I was star struck, because he’s a pretty famous podcaster"

If you can ask 100 people on the street who he is and none of them know, he is not "pretty famous." If you showed them a picture they'd all say that's Bud Bundy fallen on hard times.

He's no Gilgore

There's a podcast called "The Struggle Bus"? Ewwww.

Glad someone else made it that far to see that. I assume it's all about chicks getting raped. Which means half the listeners listen to hear the sad rape stories. While the other half listen for the sexy rape stories

The feels on the bus...

Links directly to the article. We'll done OP!