Big schumer fires back at South Park's muhhhhh vaggginnuhhhhhhhhhhh

11  2017-03-07 by fish_flower


Someone take one for the team and type out what happens here, because I am NOT clicking play on that fucking video.

Very little.

The hallmark of a really funny person: "People make fun of's like omg I'm soo sorrryyyy." Because that's how you respond to being made fun of when you're at the supposed apex of the comedy world. If you're being made fun of you take it as an attack, imagining the taunters demanding your apology.

That's what I hate. They want all of the praise, fame and pay, and none of the obligations of great comedians. Fuck her.

She does the condescending sing-song voice that broads do when they want to insult you while keeping the moral high ground. "Ohhhh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I have a vagina"

I mean it's timestamped and not that long but she sarcastically says "i'm sooooo sorry I have a vagina, it's a big part of our lives, right ladies?" applause

And Trey Parker has a penis. He hasn't remade Orgazmo 100 times and his sex stuff is stuff that's actually funny like the undercover cop waiting to arrest the guy after they cum, Canadian Trump being raped, and Mrs. Garrison scissoring.

How good is Orgazmo?

It's not timestamped for everyone on mobile. Best to also mention the time in comments when posting video

Best to read the link

Again, mobile apps. Not all apps for Reddit display the actual link and some also open the link directly to the YouTube app, so no browser bar to view.

fucking mobilefags

When you're right, you're right

I'm so sorry and ashamed

So what's the timestamp motherfucker?

I put in the fucking comments, jesus fucking christ dude


Relax it was a jooooooooke. And thanks, I didn't notice you updated it

She said "I am so sorry I have a vagina", which is a step in the right direction but the apology is long overdue. Hopefully she will inspire more women to come out and face their inadequacies.

Basically she defends it with saying "im a woman, of course it's on my mind so im gonna talk about it" or something like that.

Talking about something a large majority of your audience will relate with on account that it happens to everyone is the cheapest thing ever "You know when your vagina does this and i do that and then the vagina goes pff and im like vagina wtf" If that is the backbone of your standup then your not a good comic.

well to be fair she also talks about gun control

I bet she has a fresh hot take on that topic

Her joke is about asking Stevie Wonder to settle the debate on if blind people should own guns. Fawkin home run Schumer.

Fawk yea bases loaded crazy fawkin bitch

Whoop whoop!! * raises roof *

This lumpy cunt's descent into obscurity is not progressing as fast as I would like.

Doesnt matter cause another female comic is gonna come along with the same type of shit.

They have Dame Cook just waiting for her shitty show.

''we're gonna put her in the hot seat''

Please tell me she's talking about an electric chair

fucking fat amish school marm didn't learn anything from Southpark ... b seeing you next season cunt

Doesn't have near enough dislikes.

She works on gun violence and trying to prevent it with her comedy? Queue applause break

Given that a shooting happened at her comedy, her batting average sucks right now.

Someone's got to stand up against all the pro gun violence comics

Wendy Williams is an awful person

She's dating a slim guy. What happened, i though fat was beautiful?

Only for brave women. Fat guys are gross, amirite gals?

Hey guys she going to prevent gun violence.

I definitely want to pay to see a show where i can be lectured about gun control

She could start it by unloading two barrels of a shotgun into her skull

I like your negotiating tactics, because now maybe she will meet you in the middle and agree on one barrel.

With great diplomats, it's all about compromise.

what's the deal, WITH VAGINAS?

9:34 for mobile fagots

And turns it into a my vagina joke...she really is a one trick pony

Amy's bringing attention to gun violence through her comedy.

Everybody knows that gun comedy already reached its peak in this viral clip.

Wendy has a black cock.

And Trey Parker has a penis. He hasn't remade Orgazmo 100 times and his sex stuff is stuff that's actually funny like the undercover cop waiting to arrest the guy after they cum, Canadian Trump being raped, and Mrs. Garrison scissoring.

It's not timestamped for everyone on mobile. Best to also mention the time in comments when posting video