Reminder: People on this sub watch Girls.

23  2017-03-06 by [deleted]



...on the playground from across the street, while hunched low in their 1993 Ford Probe with a WOW bumper sticker.

Now the one passable pun is out of the way (I should have used punctuation in my post - I get it), lets focus our ire on the guys who are discussing last nights episode. Unless you´re Pete Townshend, downloading kiddie porn for "research purposes", there´s no excuse for watching or talking about a Lena Dunham vehicle. Unless it´sthe vehicle that rolls over her

Is that one of those female empowerment comedy shows? You're definitely a homo if you watch it.

Or even if you don't watch it.

I've seen two clips from Girls: one of a chick (not Lena, one of the cute ones) getting her butthole licked and the other (same girl?) of a girl putting just the tip of a banana into her blender and throwing out 90% of the banana.

I am more than happy to have that be my knowledge of the show Girls.

I'm mad I know this much now

I'm not gonna lie, I thought the first season or two were decent, if I see it on I'll watch it, but it fuckin' stinks now, CQ's part was awful

Name some names.

Can't afford HBO with my Panera Bread wages.

I watch Girls.

I watch it, and I thought the last episode was damn good.

Wow that must be what it feels like for gay people to come out to their parents.

I can only watch them from within the state mandated distance of 500 meters.

Meh, I don't mind it. Lena Dunham is a stupid bitch politically but her show is decent. Yes, I suck cock.

It's a good show in spite of Dunham as an on-camera presence. She does a fine job in the creative departments. The ensemble around her picks up the slack. The show has a good balance of championing and skewering hipster culture.

I tapped out of Crashing after one episode but I've stuck with the entire run of Girls. If that means I have to forfeit my Man Card, so be it!

'Crashing' is incredible so far you dolt

Pete Holmes stinks.

Pete Holmes stinks. I refuse to accept that any show revolving around him as an on-camera presence could achieve excellence. I find him worse than Dunham in that regard. And though I've hung with Girls, I wouldn't categorize it as excellent at any point. It's enjoyable and breezy. The stuff in the Crashing premiere with Pete's wife cheating on him, and his misadventures with Artie, were network sitcom hack with premium cable "edginess" gloss. Granted, I haven't seen the episodes since so it's possible it's on an uptick. If I hear enough reddit people singing its praises at the end of the season, I'll consider catching up. I won't trust the critics though because like every other lame ass Apatow project, they find it enrapturing.

I don't care about Pete Holmes' politics and I like him, because his standup actually makes me laugh a shitload. He's funny, and actually less cucky than half the 'Silicon Valley' core cast, the presence of which in turn does nothing to prevent SV from being a top tier must-watch HBO comedy.

I'm not judging you for watching 'Girls' because I've also seen way more of it than is mentally healthy. I get where you're coming from. Knowing where you stand, I'm telling you straight up that 'Crashing' is actually extremely funny 3 episodes deep because apatow is mostly out of the way and Holmes is doing all the writing, and it's shaping up to be the least superficial integration of standup comedy cameos and exploration HBO (or any network) has aired since I can recall.

If you're somehow able to endure the nihilistic joylessness of 'Girls' for the scant non-dunham potatobody segments, you're doing yourself a disservice for purposefully not watching the sincerely funny 'Crashing'.

Why would I care if you stupid fucks are judging my stupid fuck taste in shows? I watched all the seasons but the last one, it got really bad towards the end.

Because CQ and Patrice never said anything extremely stupid. Simple as that. Easy peasy, japanesy.

They are not my people.

It is such a shitty show. It follows a boring, jaded protagonist who the creators of the show shoehorn in attractive males to fuck her. Then she complains about how hot guys want to fuck her or don't and she whines about Brooklyn. It's a show created by the Jews to brainwash the populace into believing that fat white Jews have value in this country.

I truly don't know what that is, and not in a "pretend to ignore something ironically" way; I honestly, unironicaly, at this very moment, have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

CQ is on the show? Hmm maybe I'll check it out. Thanks OP!

Just one of the many reasons none of my friends or family know I am a member of this sub reddit. I really need a self destruction mechanism for my PC in case I die.

Is that the name of Opie's new show?