Lonely Opie responds to JS&A on-air reunion by reposting two old clips of him w/ Anthony

11  2017-03-06 by alternative_faps


Maybe he sees that Sirius is slowly letting Anthony back on, and he wants to get O&A back together, so he is reminding people of the show.

saddest fanfiction I've read on this sub

Note that neither Sam nor Jim seem anywhere to be seen in these two clips of Ant that Op just shared. I'm seeing 3 possible motivations, here :

  • The childish troll : "I made Ant, and if J&S think they can just pick up where I left of with him, let me remind everyone how good O&A were together! Try to stop me, Sirius! Nyah nyah!"

  • The nostalgic one : "Hearing Ant with J&S made me miss what I took for granted! Come back to me, Anthony! F those guys, I miss you more!"

  • The devious one, where Opie is just done with Sirius in his mind and wants to be fired over something so borderline (like this, or the Howard office invasion, or the Howard-taunting at lockdown in the morning, or... well, you get the idea, there's a pattern here) so he can ride out this contract from home while spending those months preparing his next gig.

Only Opie the enigma wrapped in a riddle knows for sure.

sam is not jewish

Or so he says.

LonelyOpie, please become a thing

LonelyOpie.net is available for registration. Will Sam be able to resist purchasing it?

A picture of him looking out of the SiriusXM building from his hallway office saying he could jump.

You have to admit, it's pretty brave of him to upload a clip of him ruining the flow. Most people would put up a video of themselves contributing, rather than evidence they should be fired.

Way to post 2 of the most annoying guests to generate "some buzz". What Judy gold wasn't available?

saddest fanfiction I've read on this sub