Is Joe Rogan a really smart dumb guy, or a really dumb smart guy?

1  2017-03-06 by [deleted]



A really short dumb guy

How asinine that despite only having 3 upvotes this is the top comment. Ughck.


He just regurgitates ideas he learned from smarter people using words he picked up off a "word a day" calendar so people think he knows what he's talking about when, in reality, he's just a half baked dummy.

If you really think this then you either are commenting on a subject you know absolutely nothing about or are quite stupid. Not sure which one to bet on. Guessing the latter. No offense.

Non taken

As much as I appreciate your good nature... the fact that you wrote "Non taken" proves it's the latter.

Thoughts and prayers!

Well if you thought I was dumb before then hold on to your hat because I totally thought this was a thread about Joe Cumia...oh boy is there egg on my face.

Surely he's wholly baked?! Geddit?!

A pretty short, incredibly smart, goal oriented, very talented and funny dude w/ a few odd, very strong personal priorities.

its all about the weed, man

He's smart in the same way that Ant is smart about race. He has opinions that are compounded by reading only supportive facts or studies, and the only people that he debates are people that generally struggle due to the environment of the show. You don't go on Ant or Rogan's show to discuss ideas - you go there to debate politics or opinion that they have read somewhere else. However, they are so entrenched that you could literally hand them proof and it would make no difference to their beliefs. (If you listen back to how Jesse Ventura copes with questions about conspiracy theories you will realise Ant employs the very tactics he accuses that buffoon of.)

They are the absolute opposite of independent thinkers, yet present themselves as authorities, purely because they've read something.

This is an incredibly well written and accurate post. The man is remarkably talented and smart but his bias is his Achilles Heel.

Does this mean we're dating now?

I certainly hope so. IM SO LONELY!!

Yeah he's basically smart only in his approach to appearing smart. If you think intelligence is knowing that you know very little, then Joe Rogan's pretty stupid.

Part of him appearing smart is that instead of asking simple questions, he frames everything in terms of 'did you know' type statements. Like him and and his expert guest are peers on the subject. He'll will actually correct them sometimes too.

Another thing he does is pick up on banal aspects of someones argument. He'll have someone in making a contraversial point which he doesn't like and they'll feel the need to use an analogy to appeal to him, and he'll comment on the fact that an irrelvancy of the hypotherical scenario is wrong. He does this because he's less interested in disucssion, and more in seeming clever.

He also goes 'Huh?' like he's in deep thought when he reads any sentence whatsoever, and views anything as fact after glancing at it for 5 seconds if it supports his argument. He also makes his arguments agressively and with a patronising tone.

A really dumb dumb guy with a lot of drive and no annoying self awareness who has become very succesful.

Well if you thought I was dumb before then hold on to your hat because I totally thought this was a thread about Joe Cumia...oh boy is there egg on my face.