The Mods Sticky Post: HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON...Everyone stop what your doing we want to discuss some rules

4  2017-03-06 by MarcMaronsDumbFace

cmon gang, they know what we want better than we do.

If it werent for the mods, we might have more fun around here. Who cares if no one wants their stupid rules, they are protecting the forum from being ruined


that's the bit

This is a fucking unofficial forum about some radio show. It has no sponsers and makes no money. The fact that it has rules beyond the sitewide ones is enraging.

I'm not sure it does. I just think space edge is a scared cuckold faggot and he's making this shit up, just like he made up the damned holocaust.

Can't someone who isn't a faggot just make a fucking discord? Then we'll be free to be the pieces of shit we truly are without pretending we belong on a website not made for the likes of us.

I can already predict the mods deleting every thread advertising it.