Jim's comedy special release date ?

0  2017-03-06 by not_copomash


who fuckin cares

you're back?

im just an alt

I care. I am chomping at the bit to review his comedic genius.

yeah it would be fun to watch it and see jimmy flounder through a trump bit

He's been making comments that he's editing that part out. Which is funny in that he said the reason he delayed his special was because he wanted to know who won the election.

Really? Jim is just an awful writer. If a bit is funny it doesn't need to be edited out

he said he had to edit it out because he tripped over the last line and said "drab 'em by the pussy" or something.

Jimmy, Caldor called, they want their waterhead back.

Does he still do his stupid 'gobble gobble' noises to indicate him doing dirty sex acts? That was always killer material.