It sounds like Brother Joe owes this sub a debt of gratitude.

113  2017-03-06 by [deleted]



You wouldn't think the leader of his own biker gang would be fighting things out in the courts.

Remember though, this subreddit has no affect on his life

I think you should make a daily reminder post

AntH's welfare checks must be bouncing nowadays.


Small-claims-court no less. I don't remember ever seeing an outlaw biker on judge Wapners People's Court but I maybe wrong.

Fucking 99%ers

isnt samcro a smart biker gang? i remember someone said in one of the episode one character was seen quoting the constitution or something

Holy fuck he actually has his profile pic set to him with a sheboon? Does he think that will make people think he's not racist?

Also love that there is no mention of the sub. He HAS to know who it was.

He's cracking up as we speak. In front of 4800 FB followers.

So it appears he is also collecting child brides for Anthony in order to relieve the burden on his step daughter.

I don't know about you but I've never "hit if off" with a little girl.

The Cumias are niggers, so it's probably a cousing of theirs. Depends if AntH is fucking it or not.

I loved when bro Joe would call in after and got fired to let the world know opie was a ok on his book. Can't believe he still gets his allowance after that.

I enjoyed more when he would call in, ramble about fuck all, and get hung up on.

Can someone Brother Joe whatever casino resort he's talking about?

He has actually come a long way by not saying "Killary"

What bands is he telling to make sure have a good contract? U2, Bon Jovi?

"No really! It's awesome that I have to go to court just to break even. I love it! Why wouldn't I?"

Well "its" not like hes going to miss work or "anything"

Joe trying to position himself as happy that he lost a gig while writing an embarrassing screed on Facebook about losing it.

I think there's a 99% chance that once all the compound media money runs out, he'll be living in a gutter muttering "they never got to me. they never got to me. they never got to me. can I bum a wad of your spit, little girl?"

I would love to see him end up like Rickety Cricket

Kissing dogs and smoking pcp? He probably already does that.

"I was promised a rotisserie chicken."

Where does this little girls spitting on him originate from?

It was foretold many ages ago, carved into a great stone pillar deep in the compound media labrynth

It Is Known

Little kids spat in his mouth, and that's how he got the reputation of kids spitting in his mouth.

"Can't-Stand-Ya" "Can't-Stand-Ya" "Can't-Stand-Ya" "Can't-Stand-Ya"

I mean, if it's a gig that was shoe-horned in to the detriment of other gigs, that just makes Joe look like the asshole, and lets everyone know that he's willing to put on a shitty show in order to make more money by doing more gigs.

I genuinely hate this man


I'm guessing your point is that he provides us with so much entertainment.

Might want to include that part next time bud.

How dare you try to figure out Knickers.

the gayest thing about this sub is neckbeards trying to turn each other into characters

Classic Jake.

OOf When I think of St.Patrick's day,yup Trenton nj

A bunch of wops playing dress-up as Irish guys in a nigger-town. That's the diversity this country needs!

Joe Cumia has breasts.

He is also a boob.

Its not a political stance: its out and out racism, with no humility. He whinges about certain groups that take government subsidiaries, when he's essentially doing the same thing with his rich brother, yearly. He's a MA-ROON.

Sue everybody

blessing in disguise

Damn it, he outwitted us again! Curse you Joe Cumia!

He'll read this and smugly think "Yeah, sure did." Even though if he knows you're being sarcastic.

Not only did he beat us with his mastery of reverse psychology, he stuck it to the bar owner by telling other musicians not to play there!

Is there any obstacle this badass cannot overcome? His wrath is truly frightening.

Just thought of something that would make this even better. Whoever the user was (the gay font guy) that talked to the bar owner, hit him up again and see if he'll share the conversations he had with Joe, similar to how the user showed us his convos with the owner. Maybe even invite the guy here directly. Never know, he might be down.

They likely won't have this blessing in disguise cover he's using and we'd see his real reaction.

The owner saw Joe's racist post and cancelled him. I don't think anyone here needs to pester the guy anymore.

Plus if you show him this place he might feel slightly bamboozled.

He probably will feel like played if he knows this sub has something to do with it

OP is a faggot mod.

To be fair, it's a little odd that I don't see the post on Joe's facebook. Would be just the right time for a distraction.

Joe might have quickly deleted it, or it could be hidden to non-friends.

But if it was forged, god damn is that impressive. Captured that mongoloid's essence spot on.

I'm friends with him. I'm the mole.

I'm friends with him as well and don't see this post.

Bro Joe "shoe-horned" the gig in there like Sue Lightning "shoe-horned" her cock into his brother's ass.

And he "shoe-horned" a show "onto" his BROTHER'S NETWORK.

I "hate" the way he WRITES.

I hate the way he breathes.

Another person fired for supporting Trump

Another person fired for being a racist douchebag, FTFY

The Cumia family has a history of being fired because they supported Trump.

I'm sure none of this will ever come back to bite us.

Why would it?

Your mom's box ... that faggot is going to get some shot heel attorney and shut this shit down. Fuck

Nope it's been established repeatedly that the only way to legally take down a sub is to take down the entire site.

Of course it's always possible to get the owner on your side, convinced that a sub is a pack of assholes and decide it shouldn't continue. But that's not the same as forcing it to shut down via a court.

It is a cut and paste violation of the Reddit ToS. Ask /r/fatpeoplehate how that goes.

Admin fagging out on rule change.

Original rule post.


Joe Cumia is a public figure. People reporting his own words to his band's venues is not the same thing as posting pictures of fatties.

It also wasn't an organized effort, some gentleman took it upon himself to notify an establishment of a potential dangerous racist trying to infiltrate their business and decided to share his good deed with us.

Exactly. We're just documenting life.

A mod.

You're giving his status in life a lot of credit.

I miss fatpeoplehate

They are on voat. And I think still on reddit by another name.

Any idea of the name on reddit? I need it back in my life.

4chan /fit/'s fat hate threads are more active than fph these days.

Hah hah! Fuck you Joe! Poser

Anyone send this to the venue?

Brother Joe is basically the guy who would call into early O&A and unironically call Anthony a "Libtard".

Our jihad continues. This must be like what ISIS feels after a successful bombing.

Wonder what the "buyers" would think about signing a contract with a "talent" like Joe who is so quick to go to court.

agreed, sounds like someone I wouldn't care to do business with.

i dont get it. he doesn't want to earn his money because they voted for clinton? and he wants to take them to court over a measly 500?

Why is Hillary Clinton in quotations?

Because joe is a blithering idiot

Because he is a "high school" drop out.

I still do not understand how someone of his beliefs ended up playing U2 songs.

I wish we could get Bono to ban him from playing his songs

...have we actually tried?

If Bono was made aware of Joe the child-spit-gargling racist biker, I'm sure that he'd be revolted like every other human being.

ASCAP might have a way to report unlicensed use of music.

Apparently he's downplaying is his anger, for the hell of it I google mapped this place to see how far Trenton is & ended up read the google reviews for the place & about all the negative reviews all seem to have happen within the last few days. Here's my favorite 1 star outta 5 review Joe left under the alias of Marc Azar "Ran by a bunch of snow flakes !! The canceled a band performing there because one of the band Members political views and supports President Trump". If it's not Joe personally it's one of the degenerate Cumia disciples reviews.


Read their Facebook page. Joe and his friends tried to post a bunch of one star reviews. Fans of the establishment are flooding the page with 5 star reviews.

Thank God I'm not so sad that I check how many stars a venue has before I go. Also, I never leave my house.

This is a reminder that Joe Cumia is a 65 year old man who gets in internet foghts with people a quarter his age.

No wonder he loves Trump.

You don't think it's just one of 2U die hard fans who really wanted to see them play?

That's definitely Joe's particular brand of stupidity seeing that he capitalized 'members' for no reason.

That's one of the reasons I immediately believed it was Joe, that & the poor sentence structure.

Shithead doesn't even bother to change his diction. How stupid is this man?

It's really amazing how stupid & transparent this brother joe really is.

I love how this loser is happy he got the $500. Some serious cash this dumb fuck is dealing with. He's almost old enough to collect social security this is so fucking pathetic.

$500 split between four dudes. That's legion of skanks BOTBAB2 money!

$500 minus fuel, instrument repair or replacement, travel and hotel expenses. Between 4 guys.

The 500 was just the deposit

Deposits for bands are normally 35-50% of total fee.

Deposits for bands are normally 35-50% of total fee.

For real? Who would pay $1500 for a U2 cover band?

That's true, I'm just glad on St. Patrick's day 2U will not be doing anything

$500 ain't shit..

Good luck bro.

We have no effect on their lives, though

Did he delete this already?

Ah yeah haha, sure Joe, you were doing that bar a favor playing there. You hate hipsters, you hate blacks, and you hate NJ yet you weren't there to play because you desperately need to make some kind of money, ANY kind of money, to subconsciously seem less of a burden on your little brother. You remind me of 35 year old man living with his parents and paying "rent" but who's dad actually puts that money into a savings account so one day you can get the fuck out of his life once and for all.

I guess Anthony will need to get out the checkbook for some more court fees.

We "shoe-horned" this completely irrelevant event into our "schedule" at the last minute, it was not even something I wanted to do. I didn't "even" feel like going to this dive bar. Heh, pretty sure it's librulls. Cry me a river, cucks! :shades:

Hmmm, so you accept shitty gigs? Ok.

$500 between 4 old men, righteous bucks.

It's time to come back to this subreddit, Joe. With your fists unclenched, and head held high

He just won't learn

Where are all the whiny douchebags trying to shit on u/KillaKuhn now? Half the comments on that thread were defending this trash heap.

Agreed. wtf is going on.

He mad

Funniest part is he considers himself a "musician". He's in a cover band.

This is a win win. Joe gets fucked with and a sjw goes to court

Joe's got a point. The place probably booked him because they hoped he would share U2's political beliefs. Then some badass motherfucker in Reddit told the venue that Joe likes Trump. They cancel him, he says pay up. Sounds reasonable

I wonder if the bar owner could possibly use Joe's statement above to defend himself in small claims court. He could say that Joe obviously didn't want to do the gig, he despises the city, so he did him a favor by canceling.

Also, since he talks about having "shoe-horned" the gig between two other jobs that he considers more important, there was a clear possibility that he would have half assed it and wouldn't have done the job up to a minimum standard, making it reasonable for the bar owner to have fired him.

I don't know if any of that is relevant or not, but I would love if he loses and once again his words come back to bite him in the ass.

You'd think after it happening so many times, he'd eventually learn his lesson, but to do that that a person needs a grain of self awareness.

Nothing worse than a 60 year old guy in a cover band...

Does this mean we're pillars of the community? Cool, I guess!

This is funny.

I really don't love/hate BroJoe because he's insignificant to me. I don't care if the users here or elsewhere decide to fuck with him.

I do find it funny they just got him money for zero work though.

Randomly capitalizing a WORD or even a SENTENCE makes you point much more salient.

Don't "forget" quoting words.

This is awesome. This sub really accomplished something this year.

I would love to see him end up like Rickety Cricket

Where does this little girls spitting on him originate from?

"Can't-Stand-Ya" "Can't-Stand-Ya" "Can't-Stand-Ya" "Can't-Stand-Ya"

He'll read this and smugly think "Yeah, sure did." Even though if he knows you're being sarcastic.

Not only did he beat us with his mastery of reverse psychology, he stuck it to the bar owner by telling other musicians not to play there!