Anyone who says "Awesomesauce" un-ironically should be shot and killed.

80  2017-03-05 by TangerineReam


the creator of reddit went on the joe rogan podcast and said amazeballs multiple times.

FAGGOT. Im sorry, but thats the worst.

Do you think she makes him suck on her 8 inch clit?

am i supposed to be turned off by that

Break every bone in this idiot's body.

Not surprising.. considering they wanted to name Reddit "Snu" at first, as in "what's snu?".

That little alien is named Snu.

I feel bad that I know this.

I read it on reddit!! xD

Umm, it's "snoo" but nice try.

What's snoo?

OH GODDAMMIT! You got me.

I want to eat her nigger ass so fucking badly

ew. black chicks would be so hot if they were white

that terry crews ass

That negro broad doesn't look anything like Steve Huffman of Alexis Ohanian. Women who look like this woman never invent anything but grief.

'Shits and giggles' makes me want to get my stab on.

Cool beans.

Using adult as a verb

I've never even heard that one. WTF are they on about?

Doing something grownup: I'm adulting. Stupid shit like that. Makes you wanna put your fist in their face.

That is fucking repulsive.

Saying that should definitely be a murderable offence.

I totally disagree. These people should be raped first, then shot and killed.

ah yes: really DRIVE it home

I would like to add two more to the rape, shot and kill list please. Anyone who uses Ugh and/or delish.


"Oh, for cute!"

"Ugh" doesn't bother me, but the shortening of any word (like "delish") I agree with.

"Ugh" doesn't bother me, but the shortening of any word (like "delish") I agree with.


Or how about any shit Rachel Ray was saying 10 years ago.



*raped with a sickle

It's a Woodland Critter Christmas!


she should be set on fire


She's a woman

Haha Ron is the fucking greatest. A caller recommends they play an acapella version of "True Colors":

RB: "I can honestly tell you - If I found out that an acapella group was in one building and ISIS was in the other building, and I only had one scud missile left over from the first gulf war, I would be fucking banging my head just trying to figure out who takes it in the ass. No I won't be playing any acapella versions."

At 6:48

"you wanna hear the best version, it's an acapella..." "No." " on youtube..."

But man is he fat

haha lol! upboats for you good sir! XD

Gold!? Thank you kind stranger!

I fucking hate when people edit their comments to say that or "rip inbox" cos they think they made it big.



EDIT: Whoa! This really blew up

For your typical gen Z kid that moment is the start of their career as an INFLUENCER and CONTENT CREATOR. It's the moment they will be talking about in an interview in 5 years when their youtube channel blows up and they will be sacrificing goats to Satan with PewDiePie every weekend at Bohemian Grove.

I also hate "redonkulous"

That's such an over the top reaction.

I find cliches deeply depressing. Every time I hear someone say one I get a pang of melancholy.

Or when people say "guestimate". It's a fucking estimate you retard

No one has ever said this unironically

I don't really enjoy the tone of this post, but I do hope you have a funtastic day!

I had a coworker that would say all of that gay shit. It was a fat single woman of course.

Anyone who says "welp" should be castrated and made to fellate the dismembered penis.

Same for anybody who posts on Yelp.

At my sister's wedding, one of her hipster friends remarked to his GF "I'm gonna go hard in the paint on these bacon-wrapped scallops" as a lady came around with an appetizer tray. Now I don't disagree with his choice of hors d'oeuvres, the way he phrased it was a punchable offense.

or you can just scream "ARE YA?!" directly into his face: We don't wanna bring violence to a joyous family gathering

I was trying my best not to be a piece of shit for one day, but it was an angering comment

not a good idea while on parole

Why? It's hilarious when minorities do it.

I hope he drove hard into a telephone pole on the ride home.

For a while, I knew people who said "go HAM" in the same context. Adults said this.

We should consult Florentine before making such rules.

Try it buddy, I'll rock your socks off

The real creator of reddut got suicided for being too idealistic.

I had the misfortune to have a conversation with somebody that drunkenly used the phrase "amaze-balls" frequently. It was the worst.

Same with "tendies". Stop saying that adults.

Any person that adds "-ies" to a word when it's not necessary should be shot.

no rapsies first?

I have to admit adults using the word "yummy" baffles me.

People who say: preggers, puppers, hoomans, or hubby. Could all die, and not only would the world not suffer, it would drastically improve.

Awesomesauce is sauce that is awesome

Is this post directed at the funny jam show?

Didn't mean to put the "-" between "un" and "ironically". Sowwy.

People who think "irregardless" is a word and proceed to use it should be decapitated.

Tony Soprano used it all the time


The mere fact of how many people use it makes it a fucking word, you dumb not-knowing-how-words-come-about prick.

Please tell me you're joking.

Please consult any current dictionary.

Yeah I always defend the use of words that are widely regarded as incorrect usage.


"The use of..." what?

You complete anus.

Wow, you're stupid.

You're the one who said it wasn't a word then referred to it as a word and proved it was a word.

How fucking stupid does that make you?

It's not a word.

Just because the idiots you post with on your Donald sub use it and now the poor Oxford English Dictionary has to acknowledge your idiocy doesn't make it a word that anyone with an IQ higher than a citrus fruit would use.

You're embarrassing yourself.

I fucking love when someone goes rooting through my comments hoping to find something to weaponize. It's the ultimate admission of rustled jimmies and defeat. You lost when you referred to it as a word. Maybe if you sulk enough they'll take it out of all the dictionaries. Try that.

You're arguing that "irregardless" is a word.

On the Internet.

With someone called JoeCumiasCockBreath.

Telling people they "lost" seems a bit like pissing into the wind when you think about it, huh?

And however bad that makes're even lower. Think on that.

Anyone who says "anyone (something something should be shot and killed) spent too much time on this sub and can only speak in o&a subreddit cliches.

Another one I hate is "life hack." I usually see it in articles, but occasionally I will hear someone say it out loud and I cringe.

Yeah, that's a bad one. "Here's a tip" worked fine for decades, it didn't need a cutsey term to make people feel hip. Fuck people who want to feel hip. In the butt.

White folk who use the word Gucci instead of good are at the top of my list. "Shit you gucci bra!" oh the pain

Wish it was this hacky in ~2008 when I saw a couple DAOC guilds with the same fucking name

You shouldn't even say it ironically. It's that bad.

Every punchable word in this thread can be encapsulated in a single episode of Two Broke Girls.

Can someone with a lot of time (99% users here) file through Jocktober clips and find someone using this word? I'm assuming it's out there. I'll pay you $2.50 for your trouble.

The only people that say shit like this are old people, and people that have no friends that would set them straight if they said some lame shit like that. They often just end up being one in the same, though.

You hear shit like this in offices, like when people say that they're "putting out fires at work" or that they'll "circle back when they are above water." I physically coil up a little when I hear people say shit like that now.

The reason why I hate it so much is that its a byproduct of PC humor. Thats the trade off we get by risking true funny material for Southern California quirk; something that cant possibly offend, and that the unoriginal masses can dispatch.

"sexy time"

Please tell me you're joking.

Wow, you're stupid.

"you wanna hear the best version, it's an acapella..." "No." " on youtube..."