Mark Normand is a nutcase (Opie trying to be relatable warning)

22  2017-03-05 by TotallyNotObsi


Normand is a lovable self loathing weirdo... who's the faggot in the mariners hat

He's funny. The other guy is Craig Gass, another former Stern guy who does outdated 90's impressions.

It was funny when he yelled out Sam Robert's on Friday and made it awkward in the room

Opie's a "minimalist" but he lives in a 7 million dollar condo.

Not for long...


You can steal peoples jokes, accuse people of being sexist and be fat, just so long as you're generous and cool?


Normand is hilarious live.


Normands getting Pussy stories are bullshit. His voice is I can't even explain that voice. Dude is such a douche but his stand up is pretty funny.

According to other comics it's not bullshit.

Other comics who have bits about things that never happened to them?

What are you talking about

All comics make up stories so they can write bits in their acts. They're not gonna call out Normand for making up fake stories.

I refuse to believe that Opie finds Mark to be as compelling as his reactions would suggest. I'm not even mad at Mark, he's just doing regular comic shop-talk shit but this dummy's chin just drops to the floor every time he says anything. It's very weird. These stories are nowhere near that good.

Maybe Opie's trying to reinvent himself.

Opsters autistic and doesn't understand human reactions, so he parrots what he sees other people doing. Because he doesn't know when to do what and how hard to do it, everything ends up being hysterical and unbelievable.

Poor opie. His mom yelled a lot.

When Opie tries to say "growing up my parents never has food in the house either". WTF Opie grew up in nice suburbs. His fakeness is infuriating

dude, sniff, it was all evaporated milk and gubment cheese

That was such a lie. In the same segment he claims that his parents couldn't afford snow boots so he had to wear bread bags as socks. Sounds like a bunch of food when you have enough bread bags to clothe 8 kids or whatever.

His lies about his rough childhood are really insulting. He acts like his mother was some kind of terrorist because she vacuumed too much. I'd trade lives with him in a second, and I guarantee I wouldn't be the ungrateful phony cocksucker that he turned out to be.

it must be weird in the NY comic world to have Amy Schumer be like the Don Carleone

Opie keeps,putting his hands on the soles of his shoes. That's fucking gross. Maybe that's why he's sick all the time.

He doesn't wash his hands after pooping

And he picks his nose

did they just open by complimenting miss piggy

Normands smarmy delivery makes me laff very much hard.

This. So much this. I quit listening to tuesday with stories because of it.

He and Joe List both have fake radio voices. I can't listen to either cuz I autisticly mock them every time I hear their voices.