Someone uploaded the Roast of Patrice!

96  2017-03-05 by doritosalsa


Maybe the best roast set ever made.

Has to be.

Todd Barry was great too.

He gets bonus points for shitting on Sherrod. The man was far ahead of his time.

OP im a bit confused. You commented with the exact same video you linked...

did you mean to timestamp but forgot?

Thanks for the update! Any news on the twin towers?

They're still there.

No they're not. I've been there.


Fawwwk wait wait I got one HOW ABOUT BUILDING SEVEN

Nah chip

Wait wait wait Building Seven what? Fawking Peckahs no doubt


Today truly is a great day.

I mean besides him being dead and all.

After years of just having the audio, this has made my Sunday night!

53:55 and Sherrod still isn't funny.


Has he ever been?

His sickle cell diagnosis?

(Regular Joe)From your lips to God's ears

His jokes made me laugh 3 times out of 100 in 2016.

Patrice's call out echoes through the ages.

bah i want the full version of this badly

cant u guys work your pest magic on those cellar guys and get some patrice bootlegs released

The best part of this video is finally seeing keith bomb horribly

A chubby Jimmy Norton at 18:17.

Thats right kids. There really was a time where Jim Norton was more popular than Bill Burr.

That must be intimidating for the other comedians when the majority of their jokes didn't even make Patrice smirk. Say some shit > crowd goes crazy > look over at Patrice, he's just looking of in to space chewing his gum or whatever.

Full version with listenable audio quality. Related videos, dummy.

Who thought this needed editing?