Anyone else here choose their username after a homosexual British diver? No? Just u/thomas_daly then

18  2017-03-05 by ihaveaholeinmyass


My name is after a homosexual but not a diver

It's so sweet how he's in love like that

Nothing sweet about asshole breath.

He's bisexual you faggot.

" have you ever sucked a dick dipped in a pussy? "

He aint. He's always been obviously gay. He did the classic "i'm bi" one foot out of the closest stuff .You don't get any women saying they fucked him but loads of 'men' are saying they have.

He's like 20 and engaged to a 40 year old. Milo approves.

PrepareAttackDestroy--That Azzzzzz

whut iz he divin inta dat fags ass wit a dugree of difikulty or sumptin tsss tsss

Can't say I really have my finger on the pulse of the British diving scene.

noun, plural: tautologies.

  1. needless repetition of an idea, especially in words other than those of the immediate context, without imparting additional force or clearness, as in “British Homosexual.”

I bet they lube it up with HP sauce.

I chose my username after my favorite hobby

I'll have you know that divers last name is Daley not Daly.

Oh don't let the facts get in the way of a good smashing.

whatever gayname

usernames are gay

Nice fuccboi you got there.

Seeing 2 men suck each other's dicks is one thing but seeing them kiss passionately makes me lose my erection.

you could have just said "diver". we could have done the "homosexual" math alone.

Oh don't let the facts get in the way of a good smashing.

whatever gayname