How bout this?

0  2017-03-05 by unclepaul84



How bout 3 hours of this?

Holy shit, how did Trump overcome that?

He should enjoy his last few weeks as president.

In your little snowflakes dream we have Mike Pence for the next 8 years. Not a doomsday scenario!

you a crazy nigga

Agree Pence would be much better.

Your jokes are 2 1/2 Men funny. I imagine you at a keyboard wearing a helmet typing this shit.

Bless his heart. He tries so hard to troll. He wants to be the bad boy of the sub in his faggot mind. But he's just too stupid to pull it off.

I'm almost as excited for his impeachment as I am for Red Dead Redemption 2

Does this sub turn into r/the_donald after hours?

Luv it mayne

Well, yeah. I enjoy that.

trump supporters are more annoying than annoying loud black people.

wuh happen?

The fuck is wrong with his eyes

Looks like we're still being pestered by r/the_donald...

Go back to your own hive ya cretins