Jim on the road

7  2017-03-05 by not_copomash

So Jim a maybe C list comedian at best brings both an opener and a body guard with him on the road. In reality he's as well known as his opener, I guarantee the average person on the street wouldn't recognize Jim or Kelsey's name. And a body guard, why? Do you think anyone approaches jim ? Come on.


if you have a youtube channel with 500k subscribers you're more recognizable and needing of a body guard than that worm is

It's not so much that Jim needs a bodyguard, but that he needs someone to handle mundane travel details that a celebrity shouldn't have to bother with, such as booking a hotel close to the Hut O' Chuckles, driving him to and fro, and ensuring that his room service eggs aren't too juicy.

Jim is a pet hamster.

And Kenny is the Richard Gere in that scenario.

He has definitely lost a lot of steam since O&A. I doubt he will be successful in 10 years. He was popular because him and Anthony worked so well together.

I don't think he's ever had an agent before, only Jonathan as his manager and I think maybe Bob for radio stuff. But he just got picked up at William Morris and they're trying to get him in everything, you might see more of lil Jimmy than you'd ever think pretty soon.

(I love Jimmy to death but he's not a good actor. So I don't know how much they can...do for him..)

Jim always has a new hope. First it was Vice, then his animation career, the Comedian and other acting roles. All go no where. I wonder if his halting of some of his characters is because he's been told by real management that he's not funny?

Which characters? He did Chip and Uncle Paul at the live show.

Doesn't it seem like he's doing them less ? It does to me. Admittedly I honestly don't listen much anymore. It's getting boring.

Whada they gonna name a cigarette after him or sumtin? tss.

He also owns his own security firm: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jkenfeder/

Kenny was a road manager really. Him being at sirius was the strange one for me. Wtf was he there for?

Wasn't he a friend of Jim from the Dice days?...then he got fired from the police department and they hired him to help a nigga out?

Club Soda gives Jimmy the slow braciole while "Chromosome Kelsey" drools in the corner with her broken toys and smeared clown makeup.

I remember someone asked about why Jim needs Kenny for security on the road. Jim told a story to the effect of "I walked into 7-11 and I saw this guy that kept looking at me. He wasn't quite following me but he was looking at me and I got a weird vibe off him. I went outside and brought Kenny in and then the guy kept his distance."

Lol. So jimmy needs muscle when he doesn't like how someone looks at him. Awesome. No one knows who he is so he probably just looked odd.

On one hand, I would love for Kenny and Jim to be murdered, but this would validate Jim's delusion that he needs a bodyguard in the first place.

Yes I'm sure Jim Norton is a major target. Lol. Some people elevate him a bit much. I'd be sure if you ask the average person on the street who he is and no one would know and very few when told who he is, would have heard of him. He doesn't need a body guard. There are much bigger celebs who don't use them.

Some people hire movers, some people get a U HAUL even though they can afford movers. Who cares? He's the one paying the bills.

Oh I don't care, I'm just pointing and laughing. Trust me I do not care how he blows that "celebrity" cash.

Thread count and pillows are eimportant

Can you imagine the drama with a sub 700 thread count ?