Proud Boys meeting not going so well.

0  2017-03-04 by IrsaysLiver


This wouldn't have happened if they just stayed home and jerked off like normal citizens.

Western chauvinism at work

Pepper spray is pretty cunty to do to people. I hope they get arrested and raped in the ass by niggers in jail and then join an actual white power group who then also rape them in the ass.

nah its fine

Until they start showing up with guns.

Builds character

They can always dip their proud boy cuck nuggets in that spicy sauce. Lemonade.

Any faggot who wraps himself in an American flag and lies on the ground crying b/c of mace should be kicked in the balls. That's the same symbol that covers the coffin of better men who gave all.

Eat a dick. Stupidly signin

I hope you die, your father has a stroke, and your mother is raped. Peace.

Jokes on you buster. I want to die, my mother's dead and I don't know my Father


Jokes on you buster. I want to die, my mother's dead and I don't know my Father

How do you not come prepared for battle? You need some good look outs to blend in and goggles. Dont just be a bunch of sitting cucks.

They thought the pepper spray was cum in a can

I guess their leader got the funding he was begging for and is out of town.

Did he try naming 5 breakfast cereals ?

their faces ended up looking like frosted flakes so its a start

Do yourself a favor and fast forward to 129:30. It's well worth it.

Bolshevik scum pepper spray gay men's choir.The Proud Boys a national gay choir was attacked for singing Broadway Musicals. What would' Hamilton say?