Finally got around to listening to the live show

0  2017-03-04 by not_copomash

On the positive side it was cool to hear Anthony, he's incredibly funny. That said the live show sucked. The guests were stripper / porn stars, and Colin, Sandy and Bobo, so far from interesting to say the least. Recycled O&A bits don't drive a show guys. There is zero imagination going on.


Glad you made a new thread thanks

You sound like a real party

Where they slap knees and tickle ribs?

Whats your pleasure young fella?



There was a lot of talking over each other which was irritating, but other than that I thought it was pretty good. It seemed from the show on Thursday that Jim and Sam kind of recognized they didn't need to do shitty radio bits to have a great show that people enjoyed.

I see your point, it was definitely up-leveled with Ant there. I just don't think they can do it without Ant. And the porn star fight / bit is annoying in my opinion.

Hey cop. I listened to it, i thought iy was good, shut up. Amthony rules. Wish i didnt listen to the recap first though, they fucked up airing that first

Totally messed up with the recap first. It honestly made me less interested in listening to it.

Am i right cop!!!??

So good to see you two chumming it up.

SticksKc knows I didn't post his number.

Yeah I never thought you did Mashpotater you're aight in my book

Who do you think would comprise the best show you could listen to, Mashman? I'll vote for Anthony, Artie and Colin with Bobo as 4th mic.

For me the best lineup is back to where we were in the O&A days that was great chemistry. It was more about content then which I think is missing now. I'm not sure I could listen to your dream lineup too long. Haha.

The two guys who had the chemistry still had the chemistry. Do you think Opie would have made it better?

Jimmy and anthony been using the same lines to insult each other for years. Quite old at this point.

I also was disappointed. Anthony had cokehead energy, all he did was yell obvious jokes at the end of people's sentences. He was like that girl at the bar who thinks she's hilarious.

he's been doing that for years, if you listen to enough OnA over the years its so easy to predict the hacky reference he is going to say.

it's really weird that you get jim, colin and ant together for a very rare show, and then they waste it on bobo, the naked cow cunt and a couple whores. Don't seem right to me.

Bobo? A waste? Get real.

Colin won't normally inject himself into a situation so if you don't get him involved he'll just kind of sit there and rattle off affirmations. They should know this by now.

Someone's on Opies payroll

The guests were stripper / porn stars, and Colin, Sandy and Bobo, so far from interesting to say the least

I agree it would be nice if they found their own cast of characters. But how can you hate Colin, Bobo and Sandy? They all had funny moments.

You used the word "hate". I don't and didn't hate Colin, he was fine. I'm sick of the sandy and bobo stuff. Maybe it's just me.

Oh and what about when Jim pussed out on getting pierced. Lol he said something like he could get fired if it happened. He's such a pussy.

So good to see you two chumming it up.