Jim & Sam Live with Colin Quinn and Anthony Cumia (Full Show)

110  2017-03-03 by beavvv


will they post video version of this anywhere ?

Probably, they mentioned that they were filming it during the show.

shit now I do not know if I should listen or wait for video version - schucks

Make sure you let us know what you decide.

still thinking , just to let you know.

Soo where we AT with the snarky remarks?


Do you really need to look at a collection of ugly men?

thanks babe, remind me to give your twig a lil' suckling when i get home

This is the first time Ant is on the show without calling in. Are they grooming him and managment for a job back on Sirius?

You think its a coincidence this is the only live show with him... and its not at S/XM. He is a true pariah. Persona non grata.

I have to admit, i find it hilarious that Ant is not allowed in the building. The reason is the "violent NATURE of the tweets". Meanwhile, Artie snuck in Heroin and not only threatened violence numerous times, but actually charged at someone while he was on Howard's show. YET, he is welcome anytime.

And Artie tweeted out before about slave sex fantasies with a black ESPN anchor.

It goes to show you how much of a ghoul Anth really is.

It was more than just the tweet though. I feel like he pushed the political line for some time that made the pussies in management uncomfortable.

Much like the Milo pedo thing (which turned out to be far less bad once you dig into it) they use one overblown incident where they could 'get' him... this time with Ant being the suggestion of violence in his tweets.

They just need something beyond just typical free speech, then the SJW guillotine comes down.

But who knows maybe Ant can come back. His free wheeling since he left probably hasn't done him any favours. With the whole banging his brothers daughter thing.

Much like the Milo pedo thing (which turned out to be far less bad once you dig into it)


Theres nothing worse than an attention seeking faggot who deliberately says offensive things to provoke a reaction and then complains when said reaction materializes itself.

Random, but is your username a Three Stooges reference? If so, FAWK YEAH

The main difference is that he was Howard's right hand man at the time & Howard gets his ass licked by Sirius management, Opie & Anthony not so much.

Sam said "first step back" in his Thursday recap of the live show in reference to Ant.

Take from that whatever you will, cawksukah

I'm glad Anthony is keeping his reputation clean in the meanwhile.

Beefing up his credentials as well.

"Anthony, We saw you on infowars and we were all in how much for you to sign?"

(((ME))): Where we at with the Joe Devito?

Anthony makes considerably more now than he was making at Sirius. Plus, he invested a lot into Compound Media. So, I highly doubt it.

Anthony makes considerably more now than he was making at Sirius. Sure he is.

I dunno man I don't think he does

Hi Keith 👋

Just wait til ant's got his new studio

Ant grooming

There's a niece fucking pedophile joke in there somewhere

Yeah I was looking for it somewhere but I wouldn't want to break my back over it like the Opster does.

Bobo is the greatest

I must resist watching this until the video drops.

Yeah I know, once the tape hits the streets ima cop dat shit

The stories of people fucking with Jim by telling him nobodies are celebrities so he'll embarrass himself asking for a picture is the funniest moment the new show has ever had.

It's a story they already told when OnA was a thing still.

I didn't remember it.

The funniest moment the new show has ever had was an old OnA story retold. Sounds about right.

I remember seeing the video. Anybody have it?

May the teft be with you.

opie must hate that ant can make a funny video without even really trying

Ask Jimmy if ya can see the picture of him with Charlie Daniels. Fuckn gold.

What the fuck are Colin and Anthony doing that's more fun or rewarding than this? Colin should quit being a mysterious recluse, and Ant should leave his CM to Keith, making appearances on the network shows when he pleases. These four would make a delightful show together.

I don't think Colin is a recluse, he seems to be working pretty regularly.

I think he meant going on radio shows.

No what he means is he listened to old O&A clips when Colin was depressed snd assumes nothing changed in 7 years.

Sorry I'm not as up to speed on his personal/work life as yourself.

Oh, you mean he "works out".

Ant walked into Sam talking about incest, than made an incest joke some time into the show (''i fuck my relatives''), which apparently nobody got. Literally NOT affecting their lives.

Great thumbnail!

We need a video version of this.


you didnt click the link in the description?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Pink after a nuclear holocaust!" hahhahaha

any word if there's video of this?

D-Bag said he was filming like 20 mins in or so.

The chemistry between these guys is amazing. They're so quick and so funny, really an underrated bunch of people, Sirius is fucking out of their minds to not have these guys back together.

It's like watching old Rat Pack footage, you don't see groups of entertainers like that every day. The whole thing with Dennis' wife getting violated while she was at home that they were bouncing between each other so effortlessly was fucking incredible. It just kept getting funnier, and within seconds they were coming up with stuff. Fuckin guys are talented.

The Rat Pack comparison is appropriate; Ant already looks like Sammy Davis Jr.

Can't wait to listen to this later.

Im walking around my shop listening to this with one ear bud in, it's quiet and the only other person in here is an ADT guy working on the alarm system. I'm trying not to laugh so hard so that I don't look like a maniac, but I've lol'd like 3 or 4x and this dude is like "what the fuck."

God damn Bobo is so funny, this is killing me. Anyone who was at this in person, I envy you, god damn it.

Yimmy sounds so much quicker and normal I dont know if its because hes on stage or just extra jizzed. I hope they try to push for this to be regular thing down the road THE VIRUS WILL SPREAD AGAIN!

Could have done without the females tbh.

I'm listening to it now and these vapid cunts are really bringing the whole thing down - once Bobo wasn't involved they had zero use.

Jim:"we need more estrogen on stage"

Audience:"GET OPIE"

funniest line of the night. From some dope who is on here.

Special mention to the guy who called Sandy Kane a monster.

Why would this show air on Sirius/XM, while the Comedy 101 Bennington show with Anthony, East Side Dave, and Pat Dixon was not allowed to be aired?

Jim and Anthony are like gin and tonic, they kind of stink on their own but they really go well together. More of this would be good.

Great show. Jim and Sam need a third mic. It's hard for Jim's quick wit to shine when he has to carry a show.

Opie is going to post an overcompensating tweet about how much he loves working with vic and sherrod on Monday I guarantee it

Sam really took the Opie role in this show.

Like he planned it way back when they first met.

It's the only role he's semi fit for. He's as big a dullard as Tits is, with slightly more self awareness. Plus he can get five funny lines in per year, up from Tit's two.


pics or video of that payton chick getting her nips pierced at 45 mins

you are a kind old man

can someone print this picture and send it to me so I can put it on my night stand?

Opie on suicide watch.

Great show but more time could have been dedicated to the pointless porn nonsense.

sam at 3:54

Have the said anything about releasing video of this?

Almost forgot about Ant's forced laugh. Jesus. Unrelenting the whole way through.


oh crap Bobo was there too? must be gold

Sam actually had a good line in this, "I gotta be honest, this is starting to skirt the line of being distasteful." When the girl was grinding on one of the audience members.

The Fro-pie and Anthony Show, with Jim Norton

Dream team. This kind of content will sell tons of ads.

Colin's line, referring to Sam: "You look like a prehistoric Ed Sheeran." Oh my god that fucking killed me.

This was a brilliant show. Wish I could of heard more of Colin rather than Sandy Kane but that's a minor gripe. This reviewer gives it 3 thumbs up

It's either could HAVE or could'VE, but never could OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Nobody likes a spelling Opie, think about that the next time you wonder why you have no friends tsssss tsssss ;-))

One of my favorite parts. Talking about sad E-Rock

I tapped out halfway through. Bobo boner bits peaked when Patrice was still around. The old magic can't be rekindled with milquetoast Sam steering the ship. Jim, Anthony, and Artie murdering while Matarese flamed out was vastly superior.