I hate Opie.

46  2017-03-03 by OpsTits


They probably do too.

I will never not hate-watch this.

it really is the worst thing i've ever seen every time I watch it.

What a bunch of faggots.


The chance that someone gets struck by lightning is 1 in 960,000 and if there were any justice in the world then at least one of these fudge packers would be mortally wounded by one. Your move God. We are all waiting.......

Where is Father Doris though?

We need to know.

i still don't know who father doris is, but I also would like to know his whereabouts

Some say the Philly Crew is still searching for Father Doris to this day.

This looks like it belongs on a serial documentary about a New Jersey beach that I absolutely never watched.

Opie's made it clear that the Philly Crew are Wildwood trash, not Seaside Heights trash.

(Fawk yeah...some local Jersey beach yuumah.)

Their street would definitely be a kind of tree, not a number

This is how we do it!

It's just so unnecessary

This makes embarrassed to be white (no it doesn't I love being white)

The 61 up votes/810 down votes is the best part of the video. Too bad the comments are disabled.

Can someone explain the context here?

Gay men doing a ritualistic dance before anal penetration.

Pre wedding bro ritual

Who's wedding is it?

Bam's. He loves the philly crew.

It's either the pre- or post-sodomy part of a Proudboy initiation.


You think those guys give out a lot of high fives?

They say "bro" or "brah" and have cool nicknames for each other. "Me and Rooster are going to McHenry's for Chicken Wings, brah!"

They all work in telemarketing sales, or insurance sales, or debt relief. Most of them have worked as a bartender at one point in their lives.

Insurance. Christ. I know a bunch of people who have gotten the entry level insurance license, bought some ties at Kohl's, and are calling themselves financial planners. And they're all assholes.

A unique thing about this crazy crew is their love of Fantasy football and golf.

thaaaaa, that's terrible i'm sorry.

Opie without irony thought this was very cool when he filmed it.

He was the only one there that felt weird being in the circle so he autisticly stood there and filmed it.

I always pictured him trying to squeeze into a spot between two of them and when no one let him, he quickly decided he'd play the role of cameraman, reaffirming himself that that was just as cool!

He's the one kid who showed up and didn't have a Nerf gun and decided that he was the general.

This sums up both Tit's personal and professional life. Perfectly.

Like when he filmed himself walking into ants studio

His response in the comments before they were disabled (which was relatively recently if you consider the date of the video, BTW) is more or less:

ME: It's supposed to give you fuckin douche chills, you dummies. Do yourself a favor and don't comment on things you don't know about!

Why would a group of men on one of their wedding day's go to all that trouble for one of fuccboi Opie's videos?

Classic Opie. Throw a gem out there and wait to see the reaction it gets. If it is a bad reaction, claim that it was a bit all along and you're such a dope for not getting it. If it gets a good reaction...well, that never happens.

we should do this at the first O&A live show that the bbboys do once they get back together!

As soon as Ant get's that NY studio up and running right!?

Bunch of queers. And the comments are of course disabled but I'm proud to be dislike number 818 to balance out those 62 likes! Choke on those numbahs Spuds

Atleast 7 of them has fucked his wife.

I like the one with bruers rock and rock behind it

Legitimately embarrassing.

For those of us who are not autists, can someone briefly summarize the connection between these rhythmic gentlemen and the OandA universe?

I've always gathered this was just a vid Oqie posted showing these douchetards and he found it on the internet. And we have, of course, linked him to it as either being a participant or the photog.

But I'm just spitballing here.

erock, comment?

This is the legendary Philly Crew AKA Opie's half his age in-laws.. It should have been obvious by how awesome they are and how they clearly have no fucks to give.

Ah, finally I understand. Makes sense now. Thank you BrB.

This looks like what a bunch of teenagers would do to try to get their two male German Shepherds to start banging each other and then laugh at it.


Shortly after the filming of this momentous occasion one of the groomsmen said to another groomsman "What the fuck was Gregg doing filming us? That guy is such a fag."

I never noticed that in the beginning some squeaky voice ask "Is our videographer coming?" completely dismissing Opie and his ever present dumb flip cam. Nice one, Philly crew.

That damn flexing is so fucking annoying.

That is a gaggle of pure faggots.

"Comments are disabled for this video."

Boy, I wonder what could have happened to have forced him to do that.

But I live PhillyCrewBot. RIP

Father Doris was never seen or heard from again

What's worse - this group of idiots all dancing around, or the fact that, on the inside, Opie wishes he wasn't recording it, but participating instead?

Opie has given every person in that video cash or paid one of their bills.

ISIS is never around when you need them.

Not sure what's worse, the actual video or "Opie's eye"

I'm glad some woman decided to stop fucking him