What is Big Jay's obsession with white trash topics?

9  2017-03-03 by [deleted]



What else do you expect from white trash?

Yes he is white trash. Me too. I'm just sick of wigger nonsense.

A white class jew is an odd combo.

It's shocking you expect more after knowing the way he dresses.

Standard comedy. Do what you know

His ability to always bring the topic back to fucking will never be topped

It's really all he knows.

Are you asking why this old unenthused juggalo doesn't go higher brow?

Woop Woop!

We aren't fucking Big Jay listeners either, him and his fruity little gloves are comedy cancer.

los = literally a white trash podcast

Jay can still make me laugh, but his look makes it really difficult. He was actually more likable when his look was 30 years out of date as opposed to 15.

Jay: Dude. Did you see that video of the gathering of the juggalos?

Dan: Is that the one merc face was talking about? The one in Denv-

Jay: Christine! What was the name of that fat girl we banged in Denver?

Ha! Ive never listened to his podcast or whatever but that does sound fucking infuriating. Sex stories are about a notch below hearing people describe their dreams.

I saw his stand up special and thought it was really good though.

His live show is good. Crowd work if you like that sort of shit. He makes it appear organic even though he knows which way he's going to go with each audience target before he even talks to them.

He knows his audience

Wasn't this supposed to be the next big thing after O&A?

Fingerless gloves are for people ready to have another man's cock in their hand at the drop of a hat.