68 year old Brother Joe asks a very strange hypothetical question.

6  2017-03-03 by IHateSherrod


I hope this man enjoys a full and healthy life. NOT!

You fucking nailed him

your post crapped our ... can you repeat.


No No really ... was it something with your keyboard ... check fonts maybe its wrong font or something ... and type it out again


Ok this feels weird. Like i know the bit youre not tricking me. But somehow you trying to shame my bomb has bombed.

yes now Its clear. its not a bit. were trying to type emojis in your first post?

try now again but dont change back to emojis or fonts that you were using

Nigga u drunk. Or retarded

meh I thought you ha funnier line.

anyway thanx for retyping it.

Please stop.

Its "please clap" you muslim.

He's really firing them out.


He's showing clear signs of dementia. I think it's time for Anthony to spring for a nursing home for this geriatric burden.

The best possible answer to this question would involve Brother Joe getting a rape charge laid against him.

I hope he makes it for a couple more years so all of ants money is gone and he will have to roam the streets confused in his mind asking strangers for spare children spit

Ah yes, Joe was a professor at the Clown College that Steve-O attended before his Jackass infamy. Steve-O did pretty well for himself too.

He's as annoying and oddly retarded as any 21 year old SJW landwhale.


Girlfriend has a daughter who fucks Tunisians and considers Battlefield 1 as a type of foreplay.

He asks this question while his profile picture is of him and his daughter.

This turd skinned dunce has never gone to college; other than to poorly play covers for people somehow more pathetic than himself.

Old people ruined Facebook.


Is that ants new girl in his profile pic

That's the kind of thing you want to post when your profile picture has your young daughter in it.

LMAO "college days". You know...I've heard all of Ant's tin-knocking stories multiple times and I don't remember one about how Joe went to NYU before they decided to start crawling in attics and breathing in asbestos.


His education is only listed as the Army.

But he does call himself a business owner of something called Brother Joe Entertainment. Which is funny when you think about it.

No No really ... was it something with your keyboard ... check fonts maybe its wrong font or something ... and type it out again