Today's show was fucking awesome. You guys are whiny fags.

149  2017-03-02 by BabyDinosaurHead

I honestly don't get the negativity surrounding the Jim & Sam show lately- it's a thousand times better than Opie & Jim. Is it at the level of peak O&A- no, but today's show was hilarious. Denny was killing it, he was even cracking Jim up. Then the porn star fight. Awesome.

I can't wait to hear the live show tomorrow.

If you complain about J&S's shows for this week you're only helping Opie, faggots. Stop being so reflexively negative unless you're also funny about it, which you guys are doing far less often these days. The show is GOOD you morons.


Positivity isnt fun

Shut your fucking mouth or I'll slaughter you and your entire family in cold blood you fucking blithering retard. Just shut the fuck up.

Okay terrific

You're trying too hard

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

Ya got greedy. sniff

ME: See, TJ, you gotta listen to us, we know this whole comedy and radio ting and sometimes you gotta just let the laughs breath, TRUST ME.

My wife -- Sometimes Lynzz asks me "ooooh my gosh, why the EFF do you like to feel sooooo uncumftubble? I Don't. Know. What it is. I just looove to feel uncumftubble!"

I have no concept of other people's feelings or thoughts but when I inevitably annoy the shit out of someone I just pretend I did it on purpose

Dude, just punch out. Stop the pain.

you used that one a few days ago

or at least someone did

Sir, are you implying people on /r/opieandanthony repeat the same lines over and over again?

Just leave it alone!

Listen to the replay


A stupid man once said

Stop being so reflexively negative unless you're also funny about it

Jim and Sam is definitely chuckleworty though, maybe not laugh out loud funny but its a enjoyable listen when you're in the mood.

Hey wait a second I SAID THAT!

Hey guys, if I'm needlessly vulgar and crude it means I'm funny here, right?

I said that to you in confidence!

Good post. Got greedy. Peckahs

We had higher support expectations, sirs.

Movie ... anyone?

Eat shit dick rider.

Preferably bloody aids shit.

Don't want to!


Hi Sam


We got a new pat battle over here.

They work on Fridays?

Yes, although tomorrow's broadcast is of last night's live show with Anthony co-hosting.

The first hour and a half was painful. Pornstar meltdown was funny though.

Denny was cracking me up the first hour. He had some amazing lines.

Ripping on D-Bag was funny, I'll give you that.

I renewed my sub to Ants show after a year hiatus... much better show than year one... just FYI.

Let's not get crazy.

Hey Keith, I thought I told you to go fuck ya mudder


Is it really I feel like he just goes on political and race rants and that's not really something I'm into but if it's actually funny I'll subscribe

I've been back for a week - I'd call it 60/40 comedy to political/race.

I don't understand

This sub poisons everything that crosses its path

Yeah, they should call this The Old-Lace & Arsenic Show! Folks...

Looshin up, people

You're the sludge at the bottom of a 3 day old rap festival porta-potty.


They spent the first hour bragging about finally doing a good show, which was only good because it had colin and ant. No the show is garbage.

I love it. You don't have to change your opinion in something just because thisnopace hates it. I don't listen to get their awful polite talk. I listen to laugh, which they still can make me do. It's LOADS better than that dogshit that was in there for two years anyway. And it makes happy knowing that Opie is so far behind them

Stop being so reflexively negative unless you're also funny about it

Yeah you're sure showing us the way with these hilarious, not at all whiney shitposts.

Thank you!

Let's also not pretend that the show has more than one great episode or two a month. Literally every podcast I listen to puts on a better show than Jim and Sam. There have been episodes of Race Wars where Sherrod is yelling over Kurt (I guess all of them) that are more tolerable than Sam and Jim stopping a video clip every 2 seconds to interject with an unfunny observation.

Just because Opie is garbage doesn't make this show good.

Race Wars sucks.

I agree.

Sam mentioned that they have to rest Bobo for a while bc the audience would get tired of him (literally word for word what his me tor used to say). Worm followed that up by saying they'll bring in big a and Pat from whatever the fuck bc obviously all retards are just as funny as Bobo.

You're allowed to have wrong opinions. Yes, the show is a lot better than O&J. So what? Most of the time it is not a good show. Stop getting so emotional over a radio show.

Shut up, fag.

Its got peaks and valleys. Only fucking idiots speak in absolutes and would call it all bad or all good. Stop generalizing, this sub has been pretty fair with the show

That's as may be, but there's no need for the fresh talk.

I enjoy about 4 days of the 5 in a week. Sam and Jim ate usually very silly and i love it.... in spite of the uniformed political speak i have to deal with every now and then

Uninformed is exactly how I'd describe it. It's two guys essentially guessing.

I don't regard my own opinions to be any better. Even though i think they're retarded. That's the key

It is just sad because of how good it could be. The Live show had Anthony and Colin Quinn. That just reminds everybody of how good the show used to be. And how mediocre it is now. My problem with Jim and Sam is that they rarely have comedian guests. It's just them having a boring, uninformed conversation for a couple hours.

And the MMA and rasslin talk/guests gets old. Every interview is the same basically. And other than yesterday's show the pornstar radio angle is sterile and boring. Yeah, something unexpected and insane happened to make this particular one interesting. But overwhelmingly, pornstars make shitty radio. I like the show a lot. I hate Sam for my own reasons but the shows good. Like OP says. It could be insanely good if they bring in comedians more often.

Pornstars are always awful guests but every show just has to have them on. Jim and Sam at least aren't afraid to offend them and make them the butt of the joke. The fight story today was hilarious and I don't buy that they didn't anticipate how things would go down.

Come on you don't find drafty window talk compelling?

One swallow (fawk yeah) doesn't make a summer. Today's show was probably OK and I can't wait for the live show. But there's a genuine agreed contention that it's largely forgettable and sub-par radio. Even objectively speaking without holding it up against O&A. If you like it power to you but a lot of people really don't. And we're not just hating it for the sake of being a bunch of reddit faggots. We're doing so because it can so easily be better.

I don't even think Opie's show is bad. It's truly not bad.

You shouldn't joke about things like that.

It's not? I mean can you point out a couple of good bits from the last month or so that really tickled your funny bone? The shows are all on YouTube and I could use a chuckle.

Yesterday's show was good too. Monday and Tuesday...not so much. Can't win them all though...

J&S is hit or miss. Most days it gets boring within the first hour ... Depends on what they are talking about and who's on 3rd mic. I don't hate it, but it needs lots of improvement. It's absolutely the best show on fagtion

Do they ever let you out of the institution?

Say again, dude, your phone crapped out.

Do they ever let you out of the institution?


I feel like they're finding a groove. I've been enjoying it.

Yes an hour recap of a live show I haven't seen was great.

Yea fuck stories. I only like radio shows that talk about things I was at as well

Today's show gave us so much reason to listen tomorrow since the staged "fight" won't even be aired. Anyways I disagree the show is pretty bad. Gotta get rid of Jim he's cringeworthy.

sHuT Up, Opie.

Good one.

I talk mad shit, but i agree more or less. It has it's off days, but for the most part i enjoy it. So much better than having Jim shackled to tittie boi..

Not liking something isn't whyning. Are you whining no likey. Also "you're helping Opie" is gay as fuck. Who thinks like that? Had to turn off the other day cause Sam thinks he's breaking ground by pointing out radio shows use fake phone calls.

I honestly don't get the negativity surrounding the Jim & Sam show lately- it's a thousand times better than Opie & Jim.

1000 times 0 is still 0.

Wash Wahh Wahh. The show sucks

I just thought it was so great the beginning, after the nancy grace thing and ken bone getting ramon'd and CQ and tefft, they were absolutely killing it and then it just got so boring suddenly, it hit me when they invited russ and pao on and they were just interviewing them normally, not even implying that russ was a faggot or anything

and i've given it plenty of chances but it's never gotten better



They STILL keep bringing on airhead shitguests from the MMA, WWE and Porn community. It fucking stinks.

They know we hate it and they keep doing it, while the show is only 5 months old. If they would keep bringing on comedians like Soder, Quinn, Blobby etc, it would be so much better. Or just no guests. I enjoy it a LOT more when they just talk shit and discuss current events, than listening to fucking Jon Lithgow or Elijah Wood plug some horseshit I'm never gonna even consider watching.

It's supposed to be a comedy show. Make it a fucking comedy show. And for god sake, stop bringing in whores to talk. They have NOTHING to say.

I have to agree with OP.

Most of the criticism leveled at the show is fair but blown out of proportion, 90% of it could be cured by having another guy who gets it and is laughing in for regular 3rd mic. We like to complain but as others have pointed out positivity is for fags so its not posted as often.

I honestly think that if they can get a regular killer on 3rd mic the show will really take off past our own weird degenerate circle jerk.

I agree that a lot of the issues can be fixed by having a third mic, but the show still sucks

I was loving it until a goddamn fucking porn star showed up. AGAIN.

I love the show until boring "no business being there" type guests or callers ruin it.

Jim Norton and Sam Roberts are homosexuals


The show is bad but I will admit today was a good show.

They STILL keep bringing on airhead shitguests from the MMA, WWE and Porn community. It fucking stinks. They know we hate it and they keep doing it, while the show is only 5 months old. If they would keep bringing on comedians like Soder, Quinn, Blobby etc, it would be so much better. Or just no guests. I enjoy it a LOT more when they just talk shit and discuss current events, than listening to fucking Jon Lithgow or Elijah Wood plug some horseshit I'm never gonna even consider watching. It's supposed to be a comedy show. Make it a fucking comedy show. And for god sake, stop bringing in whores to talk. They have NOTHING to say.

Not a wrestling guy but most of the WWE guys are entertaining for the most part.

I'm certainly not helping Tits, as I trash him most of all, and I'm haven't paid dime one to sxm since they fired Ant. But trying too hard to convince us that shit is good because it stinks a bit less one day isn't correct, either. No thanks. I won't pay to listen to a third mic and a mutant intern stroke each other off.

Oh look one show slightly above the mediocre house shit that we hear everyday. Yeah good luck with that momentum buddy.

reflexively negative

Where to start with this...

It's overwhelming so I'll try to get the ball rolling


never listen but guarantee sam was able to get in some rasslin talk. opie is 1,000x's better than sam.

I didn't even hear the show in question and im certain that you are wrong.

I have no concept of other people's feelings or thoughts but when I inevitably annoy the shit out of someone I just pretend I did it on purpose