So Berkeley Antifa have declared war on the Proud Boys

11  2017-03-02 by Ant_Sucks


This has potential to be the largest congregation of homosexuals in American history.

Proud Boys are faggots, but not as big as faggots as Antifa

they are up there though.

Proud Boys are silly but at least they will annoy the little snow flakes.

Its a sad fact that the only people who will actually end up fighting these antifa faggots are nearly equally as gay as them

I hope they kill each other.

gay on gay crime.

seriously though, it will end up being massive gay orgy.


If we ever needed a mass bombing...

Tweet some of the terrorists on Twitter that are never blocked because they're not as 'evil' as Milo. The enemy of our enemies is our friend?

If ISIS blows them all up, then I would have to convert to Islam as a show of appreciation.

Look at the fucktards in that picture. Hopefully they're at the march, all proudboys are at the march, and all Antifa is at the march. And there's a massive dirty bomb. Fuck sake.

I wouldn't put it past Gavin if Berkeley Antifa was his creation to generate controversy and fuel publicity for himself. Honestly, who the fuck has heard of Proud Boys or even cares about them?

I can't decide which I hate more. I hope ISIS shows up and Allah Akbar's all these fucks.

I truly hope this goes the way of Gangs of New York and they all kill each other

So.... my IP is blocked from viewing 4chan for some reason.

Me too. Wtf is that about?

I know they've blocked proxy servers in the past but I don't have one here.

I'm on my cell phone. I use AT&T.

Not that I've ever gone on 4chan before other than times getting linked like I did here

Berkeley really should be razed to the ground with everyone in it.

How many Proud Boys are there? 20? 25?