Friends rally round Aids victim Jim Norton at his benefit night.

65  2017-03-02 by Dennyislife


handsome group

Colin's a hard 7

And a soft 3.

He's not dying of aids he's living with aids.

Holy shit ant looks scary


Taking a break from appearing in kids dreams. And their bedrooms.

Sam looks hella gay. Sick scarf brah

Nvm that's his stupid shirt which should be buttoned up. Wtf is this guy doing?

Not as gay as using the word "hella"

False. Sam is gayer

Why is Thing 1 dressed like Fonzie?

Sit on it, Marmalade-Hat!

"No, sweetie it's fine. You look great in the leather jacket. Just make sure you leave that shirt unbuttoned so people can see your terrible middle schooler t-shirt underneath."

Why the fuck wont he eat protein and lift weights at all? Why do dumb ex fat people always think that just being skinny is healthy looking?

They all look so sad for him but are holding in the tears. Be strong for him guys. Don't let him forget that he danced

So brave, like Lena DunHAM and Amy Schemer.

I feel like if I asked Jimmy he'd grant me a wish, but there would be some sort of trickery involved where I would wish for a million dollars but my mom would get hit by a bus. It's tomfoolery and he's a menace

How does Sam look the oldest?

Look up the disorder Acromegaly. Sammy shouldve settled for his shitty genetics. HGH can do weird things to kids.

He hasn't had a nutrient since he stopped breastfeeding.

Jimmy's getting fat again.

Food for thought: Colin Quinn is the best dressed guy in that group.

How is Sam the only one who doesn't look like a total creep in this photo... besides his womanly features

sam really doesn't belong there. Those guys are legit comics whose careers were forged out of being funny enough to get people to pay to listen to them.

Sam's just a corporate ladder climbing intern, interviewer, and board operator

Yep, he's Opie now.

Ant looks like a sunni jon stewart

why is yimmy always so shiny? does he get facials?

Ant's getting fat...

Obviously Anthony gets all of his clothes and furniture from the same store. Costco or target is the only real question.

The face you make when you realize it belongs on radio

ant looks like an italian vic henley

Sit on it, Marmalade-Hat!