Picture of Bob Kelly

11  2017-03-02 by unclepaul84


Duuuuuude you got your krill you got your ocean

It's an Orca.

Duuuuuuude its a fuckin whale dude whats the fuckin difference?

I'm just being smarmy, duuuude.

Fawkin cawksucka

Duuuuuude, I'm a fuckin' apex predator duuuuuuude

I picture Bobby as more of a Beluga whale than an Orca.

He's a manatee.

Ah the sea cow... but has anyone ever identified him as a mermaid?

This post is like a throwback to a simpler time.

Tss. This post is like a humpback whale or sumthin'. I don't know. I'm just riffin'.

He's lost a little weight. Good for him.

It's the lens, he's still a fatty.

3/10 Not impressed

My favorite post today. Bobby is screwing over Kevin Brennan at Riotcast so the more crap about that Kingpin the better.

How is Bobby fucking him over? I never got into Kevin's show and I gave up on YKWD a long time ago so I'm out of the loop

Hes not screwing him over really. Kevins just whining that his year old podcast, isnt making him any money. Even though the podcast has made him the most relevant he's been since his HBO special. Love the guy though

This is an old pic. He's WAY fatter now.

They say black is slimming. They are right.

I studied whale calls for a while, but then I realized it was just Bob Kelly on his iPhone.


Bob looks great, I thought he past.

Fat clod

I'm just being smarmy, duuuude.

Hes not screwing him over really. Kevins just whining that his year old podcast, isnt making him any money. Even though the podcast has made him the most relevant he's been since his HBO special. Love the guy though