Sarah Silverman made a fucking fool of herself

92  2017-03-01 by I_want_Forbin


These all come out as hoaxes. When will these idiots learn to wait a week before taking about it?

It doesn't matter. Maybe 10% of their followers will ever find that out. Twitter has made throwing shit at the wall so easy because everything sticks now that everyone is in their own echo chamber.

i would murder an innocent person to go back to pre-internet times

Then just do it. There is no Internet in jail

whats your address

666 dvvv dvvv st

and when you get out, maybe all this will be solved.

And a lot the retard followers refuse to accept the truth when it comes out.

Eehhh. Who's got time for a week? Huh? All I know is that I work hard and come home. I'm not looking for a big heek hack I just want to watch the weather.

Fuck that white nigger shaun king

isn't he white like for real?

Yes. The only reason he didnt get outed is he said hes an illegitimate child.

White mom and siblings and a white guy as the dad on the birth certificate

He could clear it all up with a simple DNA test. I wonder why he doesn't do that.

He could clear it up by growing his hair out three inches to see how straight and caucasian it is

I guess Shaun with a U does sound blacker than fuckin Jeffery.

I believe the term is wigger

You mean Talcum-X? He's a fucking faggot. He blocked me because I called him a faggot. What is it with him and Rachel Dolezal and Elizabeth Warren and everybody else who pretends to be a different race? Why are they so ashamed to be white?

You can discuss all these things and more with Rich Vos tonight through Sunday, March 5, at MGM Grand Brad Garrett's comedy club, Las Vegas

non-white special needs student

saying /pol/ is a lot quicker

We usually just call those Wednesday around here

Where we at with the moon crickets?

Omg, a swastika! Hitler would love to know how much power he still wields over these faggots.

Dassabessdo ..whenWeWuzGasingKikesandfuckin

When I was a kid we found some black spraypaint and figured it would be cool to tag our street up. We got a few swastikas in but our crown jewel was a giant weed leaf at a three way intersection. Eventually a cop found us and after denying that we had anything to do with it he grabbed our hands and turned them to see the paint.

On the way to the police station my friend started licking his fingers, and he whispered to me that if we could get all the paint off that we could not be charged wirh a crime. So this retard spent the entire 15 minute ride in plain sight of the rearview mirror eating paint. We ended up deferred with community service which we never had to do because our juvenile probation officer died and we slipped through the cracks. I can't help but wonder if we would have been charged with a hate crime today and if that mongoloid licks walls now.

Autism is a hell of a drug.

sounds fun

did you suck off all the paint?

when i was a kid me and a friend found some spray paint and i convinced him to write some dumb shit on his own fence on the side that faces the street.

i can't believe neither of us thought there would be no consequences to that.

When I was little, about seven or eight, my cousin lived on a large piece of land with our aunt and uncle and they had a bunch of cars he was trying to fix up, or maybe sell part off (he was a mechanic, but I think he also did shady shit). My cousin convinced me we could fuck the cars up, so we went around throwing rocks through the windows. We said we didn't do it when they found out and they called the cops, who came, but we stuck with our story. Neither of us got in any trouble, it was incredible. We were such assholes. My cousin had to live with them and I think he wanted to lash out, I just naively went with it.

He'd use his 4 million strong paramilitary SA to throw that kike into a concentration camp.

Will she whip out the jew card again?

Yes, today happened. Sun rose, sun set, and brave Sarah psychobabbled.

People need to stop being such faggots about "hate symbols". Especially when they're poorly drawn and backwards. Are we going to live in fear of everything now?

well, we are all massive phobophiles, so yes we are.

dvv dvv: phobophile

Alright, which one of you rascals did it?

She made an ASS...out of HER SELF...

I am starting to think (((those people))) might not be as smart as we're led to believe.

OMG somebody drew racist graffiti in a public mensroom?! It's the end of the world!

No you dumbass, not even racist Trump supporters mean scribbling swastikas on cardboard when they mean MAGA. Even the racists have loftier goals

Welcome to the current year. In which drawings on the walls of a shitter are held as a reflection of our culture as a whole. And these people think conservatives are paranoid?

Hey someone's gotta fight the good fight against angsty teenagers! The fourth Reich will have acne and premature ejaculation.

They're literally grasping at straws at this point "they" want so badly for there to be a racist problem in this country. Shitty drawn swastikas were literally in every textbook I opened in high school and I am from Jew York.

I'm sure it is bullshit but I also hope this one tweet isn't your standard for proof

Well you could always click on the Facebook post from the school, dope.

You can instantly tell when they are hoaxes because the KKK is mentioned. No self respecting racist would associate with those rednecks.

make no mistake

maybe she should follow her own advice, right fellas?

She's a fucking dolt, the fact that anyone admires such a person is beyond pathetic.

Surprisingly, she got famous doing non-PC jokes about Chinese pissing in your Coke, but then as soon as she was famous and had her millions, she had a change of heart and decided no one else should ever be allowed to say the kinds of jokes or words that she used to become famous. It's almost as if she wants to be held to a different standard than everyone else

blatant, racist, unapologetic Jewish supremacists are going to have to be dealt with in the next few decades.


o no they totally fell for what they perceived to be racist graffiti in an heightened political climate where hate crimes and threats have increased.... what fucking dumb-asses, am i right? Not only that, they went on to clear up the misunderstanding later omg can you believe these retards am i right?

Yes. All of it is either dumb kids, false reports or hoaxes

He's right though, hate crimes have increased significantly. There's a major Islamic terrorist attack in the western world every month on average now. God damn Muslims.


from one waterhead to another

It seems like every week there's another bullshit story about some Muslim lady getting her headscarf yanked off by a pack of crazed Trump supporters.

These people really are full of shit.

Guess she finally realized she truly isn't funny and now is trying her hand at "incessant yapping social justice cunt"

Reminds me of the "Hey Rabbi whatcha doing?" meme.

As a Jew, Sarah is technically less white than Shaun.

Her boobies are okay :D

What's new?