Anyone going to the live show tonight?

3  2017-03-01 by Noaaafx

Arf arf arf


nah im just gonna keep browsing a forum of a dead show.

You mean Wackbag is still up? Har!

Wackbag is a dead forum about a dead show.

Thank Christ.

This is my auto text answer every Friday night.

What's dead may never die

Only if you don't


I don't live, nor travel, to blue states.

They call the heartland "not-very-smart-land." IQs are very low but threat levels are high.

You gotta emigrate, stop living in hate. What makes this country great is dwelling on either side.

I live on the gulf. Stop being a nigger

Ahh the Gulf coast.. the "Appalachia Riviera". Biloxi? Always heard good things.

The most fun thing to do in biloxi is leave.

tsssss what's biloxi a TREE or sumptin?

I got the reference guy. Even if no one else did. Nice.

One of the best things to come out of a Trump presidency will be a new crop of punk rock.

Agreed. I've thought the same. It's also amazing that so many comedians bitch about him being elected. It seems like the plethora of materiel that would come from his election would make it worth it.

Rubbish. Being a conservative is the new punk rock. Just take a look at Dead Kennedy's singer Jello Biafra and his shitty "Nazi Trumps Fuck Off" merch and look at the way all the little commie faggot kids froth over it screaming "fuck capitalism" while simultaneously emptying their wallets so this "anti-capitalist" sellout faggot can live luxuriously.

Punk fucking stinks.

No it doesn't. But Jello does. Always has in my opinion. Can't stand that fucking guy.

That being said..

while i like this comment, I like this picture even more

North Dakota is KILLING IT

Is 100 average?

What's the basis for that? I don't know of or ever heard of a state-by-state IQ study, nor would I put much stock in one, but this reeks of 4-chanery trolling.