Anthony still hasn't learned his lesson.

73  2017-03-01 by Opieisgod


Riding the LIRR on a Wednesday afternoon. I am very jealous of Anthony, and that's where all of my criticism of him comes from.

Definitely on the Ronkonkoma line. One could only hope he falls asleep and ends up in Wyandanch.

A nigger on a phone in a small, public place .... What does he expect? I'll wager 95% of the "conversation" proceeded thusly: "Yo .... Hello? I can't hear you. You hear me now? Where you at?" Fucking apes ....

a real ape wouldn't be able to speak english at all

Great point.

fawkin buried that cocksucka

Technically speaking every single english speaker is an ape.

Ape Vigoda was perfectly fluent in English


You should call him and tell him how you feel.


I don't like you.


I apologize.


Damn, he told you /u/I_Hate_Knickers

I cried.

With all the shit Ant has he cant just not care that someone is talking on the train.

Swarthy peasantry cannot look at or speak next to men of Anthony's standing.

Definitely not. It might remind him of his own back alley Tunisian background. Can't have that.

Chance for lady-boxer Cumia to take his 1-1 record to 2-1

more likely he ends up 1-2

I'm pretty sure he's 0-1 with a disqualification for biting.

Even with the disqualification, Tony still demonstrated some serious power in his body shots punishing the ribs from in tight. In the process exposing some serious holes in Dani's dirty boxing and clinch game.

Brother Joe got the KO on his first wife though.

She enticed him his whole life.

She walked into that frying pan


ant better watch out or the secret service is gonna start asking why some witch-faced muslim is taking pictures of our infrastructure targets

1 hour later

"So I was on a plane and took a picture and this fucking animal just punched me in the face"

"fucking savage, the airplanes are jungles filled with disgusting monkeys"

"there's a deep seeded problem with niggers in this country, try to take a picture of one of you and get attacked"

LIRR is a train and not a plane, sweet cakes.

ah shit yo

Hey hey hey, you get back on that horse, mister!

I was on a Greyhound bus, this fat black woman talked on her phone for at least 2 straight hours before the bus driver finally yelled at her.

Of course it did ....

I bet she took his yelling at her well.

Actually I would wager that she didn't take it well at all.

Oh, literal /u/bornrevolution

When has tweeting about race ever helped Anthony

I hope he goes on another rant and Keith fires him.

Ant is on a bus/ train. Proof that Brother Joe's allowance and TACS's subscriber based content is costing him money.

would you sniff her box?


At least he is sitting in the back of the train with the rest of his people.


The studio in the city didn't work out as planned. He's now forced to save gas money and take public transport with the peasants, as well as eating Burger King for lunch.

hes saving up for the ipad

Is there another middle aged man posing as a pre-pubescent minor on the horizon? Stupid question, of course there is.

He's looking for young men

Hey, that Bacon King ain't half bad!

Indeed. Known in the UK as the XL Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Only difference, no ketchup or mayo - dry burger - 2 whopper patties, bun, double cheese, bacon. The piss-head's perfect remedy after a night out on the brews.

Ketchup is absolutely disgusting. It's a tomato that used to be yummy. Now it's a sad mash of acidic garbage.



Nah, he can't have Burger King. He'd have ANOTHER heart attack. Maybe he'll stay dead after the next one.

Someone posted a twitter link from him a few months ago having lunch in a manhattan bk.

That sentence you typed out is the most pathetic thing I've ever read in my life.

This man's lunch is your news. Yikes.

Don't worry. You'll come to the inevitable conclusion most of us did and unsubscribe from Compound Media one day.

I have never and would never subscribe to that public access quality shitshow. Even if it were a decent show, I would never contribute to the wealth of a predatory racist who grooms young children for sex and beats the legal age ones up to the point of arrest and plea bargain.

So, we're on the same page then. I'm going to bed now. I love you.

Hasn't he said he used to host parties where his neighbors would call the cops with noise complaints? I guess it's only a problem if he's the one being annoyed. Go and tell her to stfu, you don't have to worry about being fired anymore. Ant is and always will be a coward.

This. Either tell her to be quiet or put in headphones. Don't tweet it to try and keep your racist audience happy.

Then his cop buddies would show up and he would never get in trouble. Same with getting him out of tickets. Imagine if blacks got out of tickets but Anthony didn't. He'd be outraged, but because he has money and connections he feels entitled to be able to break the law. Even brags about how the cops let him off.


Then his cop buddies would show up and he would never get in trouble.

But at least he would have taken a fuckin risk for once in his life instead of being the whiny little faggot bitch he is and always will be.

Ant it is embarrassing that you hate your own race so much. Respect your sista as the last thing BLM needs is infighting between its people.

She was more than likely being polite and having a work-related conversation with a respectable colleague.

Meanwhile, the Mike Tyson of radio probably just wanted to stir up conversation on his Twitter so he wouldn't be bored.

Such a little pussy. Imagine saying "Excuse me, could you keep it down please?"

Instead, little bitch boy says nothing because he's afraid as fuck and talks shit on twitter instead. What a fucking pussy. Fucking guy talks so tough, and he's afraid of old black lady on the LIRR. Millionaire, mister "crush you with my wallet" guy taking the train on a Wednesday like a common pleb. Because that's what you are. No class having girl biter. Dress socks and nurse shoe wearin' mother fucker.

I know you're reading this too. What's it like to be an old lady scared of another old lady?

Big A and Fred From Brooklyn are gonna get an earful during tonight's Karaoke and Poker extravaganza. MEN OVER 50 ONLY!!!!

I'm not defending anyone here but the last time I told one of them to keep it down she became instantly more obnoxious. As a white man asking her to be courteous to everyone else I instantly became responsible for suppressing every black person on Earth.

So you deal with it because in life people are assholes and shit happens. To expect it never to is the problem.

Who knows, if the same thing happened again you might get a round of applause that would intimidate the asshole into shutting the fuck up. You take the chance.

The funny thing is I did actually get a round of applause it actually made her worse. A lot of black people simply don't have self-awareness especially when it comes to that your white I'm black I can do no wrong attitude.

I'm gonna have to call you out here. If you had gotten a round of applause you would have mentioned it. 100%.

You're a filthy liar and you made the whole thing up. No offense. Just letting you know that I know.

Naaaa aaaa! your wrong!

It was actually on a train as well and I'm pretty sure she was drinking.

Seriously bro it was a godawful lie. But I'm enjoying it because I like fiction. So let me ask you: when she "became instantly more obnoxious", how did the people who had just finished applauding your Epic Moment react? Did they say anything to each other or to you? Were any looks exchanged at least, between the applauders or between the applauders and yourself? What were the looks?

Well this was Metro-North (NY) around 6:30pm so it was the commuting crowd. Commuters in NY are pretty seasoned at dealing with loud assholes so besides the few people around me everyone else just took me ignore tactic. She was pretty much loud until her stop at North White Plains. Sorry if this doesn't meet your criteria of a good story but nonfiction and sometimes boring.

In that case then it was quite the exception to expectations. Round applause from the jaded. What a world. Just full of surprises.

exception? A large low-income black women being loud and obnoxious is not an exception but the norm. My guess though is that this bothers you in some way.

He must have his carry licence back

He wouldn't have the balls to take the pic otherwise

personally, i wouldn't feel comfortable by myself on a train with two niggers.

Why are blacks always hating on other blacks?

That's a weird looking scaffold.

Back on O&A he was always very particular about driving in so he could get the fuck out of the city and not have to deal with people so why is he taking the train so much now? Money getting tight so he can't spring for the gas he'd need to drive in and out of the city 5 or 6 times a week?

use headphones on the train like a normal person, you stupid guinea

He said he doesn't because he's paranoid.

How badly was Ant praying for a redux of the Colin Ferguson incident?


Don Cornelius has earned the right to talk as loud as he wants.

Black people just do not give a fuck. They're the worst. Just an entire culture of entitled, obnoxious, ignorant assholes.


Ant... YOU shut the fuck up. Tweeting this is a hundred times more obnoxious than one person talking to one other person on a visibly empty train. Are you so fucking retarded you can't see that?! Hahaha you goddamn dope

Also, she probably would've been cool about it if you went up to her straight up and just asked her to quiet down some and weren't a pissy little bitch about it, but you're too fuckin racist to act right. Go fuck yourself you bitch boy motherfucker, I hope you get your punk ass whooped by another chocolate streetwalker.

I used to get on the phone and talk louder then them, then sit right next to them! Always worked- Rob Kellyā€¸ @zerocool1984a

Did ya?

Way to be a huge pussy and not say "hey please be quiet"

I'd say he learned his lesson. He didn't call her a whore bitch piece of cunt.

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It does not matter what race you are if you ride the Long Island Railroad you're a scumbag low life.

What did he do wrong?

always bring ear canal fitting earbuds and assume the worst. listen to white noise if you dont feel like music/whatever, it'll drown out the harassments

So like him on Twitter

What lesson is he supposed to learn? Don't speak the truth?


I feel his pain. That shit gives me an instant migraine.

Of course it did ....

I bet she took his yelling at her well.


exception? A large low-income black women being loud and obnoxious is not an exception but the norm. My guess though is that this bothers you in some way.