Is Sam Roberts Jewish?

7  2017-03-01 by unclepaul84

I always just assumed but wasn't sure. Has it been confirmed on air?


No, his wife is I think.

if you marry a jewish girl do they still help you in entertainment business, or thats not the case anymore.

asking for friend

So clooney ia super out

huh I wondered what happened to him.

he married that mooslim girl, right(?)


don't do it or you'll end up like robin williams with a belt around your neck, feet still touching the ground, wrists slit and cremated the next day

his wife was jewish ?

shit you really can not make it in entertainment if you are not "connected"

I believe she's half Jewish.

Her tits are full jew.


he has to be. grew up in westchester went to syracuse has kinky hair. no way he's presbyterian.

Lots of Kikes have normal sounding last names like "Roberts", "Evans", etc.

Rich Evans? Oh noooooo

Sam claims he's not but who can trust those sneaky Jews.

His wife is Jewish.

So his brood is too.

Nobody knows, someone get the gestapo on the line

Being a Jew would explain why Sam's always been a conniving little prick from stabbing Scorch in the back to playing both sides in staff fights.

Opie let slip the he went to some Jewish thing at Sam's family's house once.

Among many other races

Rename thread to 'Is Sam Roberts an unlistenable and hateable cunt' and you'll get more of a unanimous answer

He was circumcised at 19 so I doubt it.

He looks like a holocaust survivor. Lol

also, he named his kid Edgar. Doesn't get more jewy than that.