Boycott Jim & the Mongrel's Live Event

0  2017-03-01 by [deleted]



What event did they plan?

I don't listen daily anymore like I used to but I honestly haven't seen or heard any advertising for this live event?

Neither of them have brought it up on Twitter that I've seen.

What sort of event is this?

There can't be an event. Unless you consider two guys sitting at a table with a salad and a plate of chicken fingers one, because no one would walk a city block to see these two 0's.

Or you know...just don't listen and don't go.

They are not Opie. The need to attack just isn't there. If you don't like it you don't like it. Whatever. It's abit like Ants shit show. Nobody listens so nobody talks about it at all.

No prep James Morton will surely use the occasion to announce what has happened to the $60,000 he took from his fans 18 months ago.