Been here since before 4 thousand subscribers.

73  2017-03-01 by Jammiesoff12345

Fuck the mega threads. I want to look at this sub with a plethora of posts. Jamie cuntfare should dominate this sub right now.

It allows for those creative autistic folks to entertain me. Pig Amy would not have been exposed with a mega thread.

Let me decide what sue lightning posts I choose to look at.


It really is a vapid ADD fest. Much like popular culture, we collectively hate something until the next better thing comes around. It's a day to day hatefest.

In the words of Washington, "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

Who has ever complained about scrolling on this sub?

By the way Bill Cosby will be preforming on Rich Voss's wife tonight at 11. She is really out to prove that women are funny.

Bill Cosby could trade her dumb farmer ass 50 pounds of radishes so her parents can make the payment on the farm this month for sex.

I say that as someone that pre-ordered her book, but never finished it.

It was 11 dollars and got my Amazon order to the free shipping threshold. I am still yet to finish it. Or really get into the second third.

Or really getting into the second third.

I hope you are talking about what should have happened to her sister. I think Harry Blackmun would have my back on this.

My friend, just know that I will forever know, that you are an unsung hero of abortion jokes [the emoji of the day representing good or yes].

What's wrong with the sub we got? The sub we got read pretty good don't it? What's the name of some of them other subreddits?

That tool man fella is a total faggot bitch, anyone remember he was too lazy to change the sidebar pic for a year, when everyone piled up on him he had a meltdown

Now suddenly he wants to heavily mod this sub which he had no interest before

he had a meltdown

Link to said meltdown?


maybe meltdown isnt the right word, but it was definitely a bitch move

Actually, friend, it was a reference to E-rock's "Get back here. And shut up."

Idk didn't he said why don't you come back here and shut up

I hope he dies of cancer.

Let me decide what sue lightning posts I choose to look at.

The ones with the peckah.

Big Amy is the worst. Anthony fucks his Niece, and rich voss has no tour dates. ApRiL FOolS!! March 1-5 James beacon theater Las Vegas Peckahs.

i've been here since the WNEW days and i think this sub should go back to be about AIDS and trans-pride.

This place is turning into the most lighthearted place on the internet.. I don't know what it is. This is the only comedy sub which is actually FUNNY and doesn't have people arguing all the time.

fuck you faggot i'll argue with you if I want

eat a dick bitch

because nobody here takes things seriously. Other internet groups, and other subs on Reddit, all have people in it thinking any of this is serious business. If you realize that all of this is nonsense, it becomes a better experience.

Are you telling me that you don't think the hobbit Xanax killer being on the loose is serious business?

It's like this bastard doesn't take premeditated murder seriously

Look I've been doing this sub since I was 18. We've done some GREAT STUFF together, sniff. Until the Griz thing went down, I hadn't seen these mods in a while, PERIOD. I mean, I wish them all the best, but maybe it's time to just do other things you know, buurrrp. We had a great run.

Stop trying to "fix" this dump, it's fine. Megathreads get ignored, just like Linz does to Opie in order to power through her marriage "for the kids".

we COULDNT....GET...ENUFF of each other

I've been here for 7 years.

Nothing works here.

The medications don't work.

🎶 Ifffff heaven fallllls something something like youuu saiiiddd something better of dead 🎶

Where are all the actual Mega threads?

It sounds like to me that this site might lean slightly to the right and that really pisses you off. Stop being such a tremendous faggot stop trying to make this place your personal safe space. You have the entire rest of red it for that you cum dripping homosexual.

right. i loved the manic energy of this sub

the lack of it makes me wanna dig pattons wife up

Oh we had many "this sub is getting shut down" tearful goodbyes. Our saving was always an admin "wtf is this place" confused and disgusted look before just turning away and not banning us.

Let the downvotes decide what stays and goes. That said, my hate don't change that much. Opie, Sam, and whichever phony comedian starts pushing a political/sjw/feminist agenda. It only changes day to day as people's faggotry is exposed.

I'm autistic and I approve of this message.

we COULDNT....GET...ENUFF of each other