So is /u/Thomas_Daly actually banned?

4  2017-03-01 by ElectricHellKnight



He spammed Daly (daily).

u/CCRed95 and u/SpaceEdge, please tell me that u/Opprobriousness will be banned for this comment. If not, I don't see any rhyme or reason for banning anyone for anything.

The man makes a strong case.

I await the inevitable.

Not only is he banned, but I've heard the mods had him killed.

Did you get a taste?

Thomas_Daly laid down his life to expose the Mods for the tyrants they have always been

Rest in piss buddy

Tell him to just do what I do everytime I get banned...

Create a new account.

All the mods are N-ers.

SpaceEdge banned him for one day.

Now the mods are snitching on each other. Oh Lord what dark times have fallen us

He was banned for 24 hours for annoying the fuck out of me he will be back. Just like I told him the 5 times he messaged me.