Leaked Video Of The Mods Of This Sub

33  2017-03-01 by MarcMaronsDumbFace


Haha socially retarded people

Not us though

Poor kid. I've known far too many like that. He'll eventually get an upper-middle level management job he takes too seriously and a plain, hyper-Christian wife. Sad.

Good be worse....He could get a purple haired fat SJW wife who preaches the values of liberalism non-stop.

Could be worse, he could be a red haired unfunny cuck who abandon a dog because his afro american wife said so.

Could be worse, he could be a gay

Could be worse, he could be regularly posting on a defunct mildly successful radio show subreddit.

Could be worse, he could be raising Bam Margeras kids

That's in the UK. No faggy christians there.

Northern Ireland has some mental ones like the US has.

School in england is the funniest time you'll ever have. It was seriously mean. Cake stomp levels of mean on a every day basis. It was fucking hilarious.

Prefects are the most power hungry kids in the world but with zero power. It was a daily war against those turncoat cunts. 2 in my year killed themselves.

I guess the English would know a thing or two about being turncoats. Cough Bennadict Arnold cough.

We don't actually learn about american independence ( or any of the empire stuff really) so i only heard his name via o&a references

Yet we still have to learn about slavery ugh lucky!

Literally the only time we talked about America in history class was when we had it first thing in the morning on 12th September 2001.

Slavery and the holocaust. Basically, "don't repeat these you little cunts!"

A girl in our social circle fake seduced a guy we bullied and took him into the toilets, got him to take off his trousers and pants and then ran off with them and threw them on the roof. Good times.

I got my jaw broke in a "fight" (beat down) with two niggers.

We locked a music teacher in the supply cupboard and pretended to be her dead friend she always went on about who killed herself.

"I blame you. I killed myself because of the shitty religious songs you sing" as she was screaming trying to break the door down.

Horrendously evil shit. She moved back to South Africa after that.


What. How do you get her in the closet? Like drag her? And they didn't kick you out?

She went in to get something. Someone shut door. We told any of the good kids they would pay if they told.

Perhaps the nigger business could have been avoided had you (as a nation) studied the mishaps of the Colonies more closely.


Oh England

Pretty soon in the UK, those Harry Potter type Prefects will be replaced with Prefects wearing flowing white robes and you best listen to them.