Is there any proof Opie has a retarded child? I need to see a picture of it.

7  2017-02-28 by cbanks420lol


They all look the same.

Why are we bringing them into this?

Once Sam talked about being close with Opie until the deal went through and said "I spent time with his wife and child." Not children. He is hiding Opetta because he is ashamed.

Oh c'mon it can be that deformed. I'm thinking mild down syndrome.


Somebody posted a picture of a Korean looking child staring at the floor declaring it was Opie's daughter.

That is my contribution to this topic and I can't verify the Identity of the vacant eyed girl.

Opie and his daughter can bond over laughing at farts and wiping piss with their socks

It's not an 'it', r-word.

Leave it alone

Here's a picture of Slowy Hughes

I heard everyone's pennies in his building were eaten.

Well when you spend years making fun of retarda (Bobo, Lady Di, Marion, Vos) karma tends to catch up