Jim Norton's Dietary Complaints Megathread

24  2017-02-28 by Zremoff

Post all comments related to Jimmy's discussion of mustard-covered eggs and other sustenance on air here.


"Can't have it (eggs, milk, butter) there's fat in that"

Faggot, fat is better for you than sugar and it will cause you to feel full for longer. Eggs have protein and milk has calcium, combine that with strength training and you might actually have slightly visible muscles after a few years old man.

He really is on a 90's weight watchers diet. Considering saturated fat is a precursor to testosterone production it's no wonder all he can handle is 8lb kettle bells and 5 inch cocks.

I've never seen someone lose so much weight and retain so little muscle that didn't have a robe and broth to keep him company.

I think he's spent as much time researching fitness as he did researching the Chip "animation".

"I take peckahs in my butt in a different position each day, it confuses the muscles."

I really hate that I know he "loves mustard" because it virtually no calories.


Hes a faggot for all starving and diet shit. He should just do meth like a real man

hear hear

For someone at his income level he seems to be dieting like an insecure high school cheerleader. There are so many better, easier, ways to diet and exercise that even a basic reddit search could bring up.

I like "megathreads" with only 7 comments. Much easier to read.

"No thanks, I brought my own salad."

This line is AKA "the pussy moistener"

He literally planned eating two slices of pizza months in advance, and then talked about it on-air for a month straight like it was going to be the biggest event in his life.

Sounds like he really needs a big slice of humble pie, if that's not too harh.

What a fucking psychopath.

And he only ate one

Why doesn't norton just hop on trt and start lifting for hypertrophy. Instead of starving himself. No matter how skinny he gets at his age, without muscle he'll look like a washed up jelly fish.

He's avoiding fat, which is the dumbest plan of all time. No wonder he is always hungry and cranky.

Mods please sticky this

I would understand his complaining about shit he can't eat if he was some type of athlete or even if he actually had a hint of muscle tone in his entire wormish body. It's just one of lil jimmy boys "obsessions" that he thinks makes him interesting

ther wasn't any mustard !

Tranny Cum must be high in fat. Explains why Jim dropped the weight and Ant's getting a gunt


/u/TheRealJimNorton is anorexic. Mentally ill faggot.

Almonds...hopefully he chokes on one. Peckas.