Why's everyone hating on the Mods?

0  2017-02-28 by swankyturd

tss what are ya rockers on Brighton beach or sumpthin?


Please explain the reference for all of us that aren't old as fuck

I think you also need to be British as fuck. This guy's a real mess.

swanky is a fag Brit word for sure

Correct. It's a reference to the movie Quadrophenia.

It's actually an old reference. The mods and rockers were sub cultures in the 60s/70s in Britain. The would fight each other cause the rockers liked 50's rock, motorcycles and leather and the mods like suits and music like the who.

Basically preps vs greasers but Brit edition.

What a gay country.

What a faggy country.

I could have warned you that I tried this joke last night and it wasn't all that well-received.

Yeah I didn't think it would be, worth a shot