Beta male feminists can finally be pegged as being the creepy rapists living a projected lie that they are

31  2017-02-28 by fapworld

Jaime Kilstein is a convicted rapist and baby fucker


If given the chance, he'd probably murder his wife too.

No way man, over-correcting liberals don't no those kinds of savage - ... awww sheeit

Beta male feminists can finally be pegged

Pretty sure that's being going on for a while now.

I know the beta males are shit, but what about the libtards and cucklibs?

Lol what

He's trying to make fun of you for using "beta male".

There's a couple of things at play here.

Beta male was originally used to describe meek and effeminate men that women aren't attracted. This how you used it. This is what Jaime is. You did nothing wrong.

Eventually Beta as a term caught on and right-wing types began to use it to describe everyone they didn't like. For example, calling someone like Louis CK a beta male isn't really accurate and is just because he's liberal.

Now as we all know every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The reaction on the left was to reply sarcastically (because they don't know how to be non ironic and when faced with sincerity they throw a hissy fit because everything is just so "Gawd, like, y'know?" This was effective because it highlighted the ignorance of those using the term "beta" thoughtlessly.

The fourth group is just as bad as those using the term without thought. /u/BoardroomBimmy belongs to this group. Whenever he sees the term "beta" he slides into ironic snark mode because he saw it being effective previously and he slides into snark mode without seeing or understanding if "beta" has been used appropriately as you did.

The thing about the fourth group which Bimmy belongs to is that they're just as bad as the second group, yet their sense of self respect comes from being better than the second group. They are hollow people and their worth is built on a lie, so really they're the worst group really.

Not sure you understand what an alpha male is if you think Louis is one. Other than that, good points.

He pulls his pud in front of female comedians and they can't do shit. That's pretty Alpha.

In my book beta is code for a fuckin snake manchild at the end of the day. Those same empty people with a facade of snark cause they're afraid of their own humanity. Betas are the ones who can't face themselves and project their shame onto the entire gender. Real men don't rape. Real men definitely don't pretend to be a hard line feminist so they can get into fragile disenfranchised people's spheres and abuse them. Opie also got some fatass titties if you haven't noticed lately

Or I'm just a guy who comes here for jokes and doesn't get all worked up over a guy I've never heard of doing a thing I couldn't give a shit less about while everyone here loses their minds over some stupid bullshit with the mods.

It's a fucking Reddit sub for a mediocre radio show that died three years ago. Get a grip.

If you LOVE Jamie Kilstein so much, why don't you MARRY him.. MMMMMAAAAAAAN

Oh I think you are confused! I actually have no idea who Jamie Kilstein is and I am not Indian, so I would not marry someone I never met. Sorry for the mix up!

Shut up, beta male

Everyone seems to be obsessed with this nobody that nobody listened to, why is this on the O&A sub

They need something to fake outrage over.

its not a lie, its a hustle

guys do this kind of shit so that chicks will like to be around them. This is Patrice's "you feed them out of your hand" in action.

It's kind of like this. The big fish are building nests and fighting each other and while they fight, little fish that look like females go and sperm up all the eggs.

Biology is endlessly cruel.


Yep, I bet that Nancy boy enjoys a good pegging.

That moment when you realize you're on the side of a female cohost who has a couple anonymous sources who promise something is true.

It's kind of like this. The big fish are building nests and fighting each other and while they fight, little fish that look like females go and sperm up all the eggs.

Biology is endlessly cruel.