Breaking: Lynsi has taken to Facebook to publicly shame her husband for disparaging and hurtful remarks made about Bam Margera

15  2017-02-28 by OkaySeriouslyBro

Bam apparently overheard Opie making several sarcastic comments under his breath about his pecka being just as satisfying as Bam's - at least that's what Lys is saying


Why can't anybody find her social media accounts? Her husband lives on Twitter and Instagram and she doesn't have a Facebook account?

Their is no way that vapid cunt doesn't live on Instagram.


Still upvoting you tho.

40 years old and I still mess that up from time to time.

It's OK. You'll master the language eventually.

You can't put your head above water for a fucking second with Schnoodle Gang motherfucker, we everywhere

she probably did that girl thing of using your middle name as part of your account instead of Hughes

Even if it was true, she's shit anyway. I mean, she married fucking Spuds Buckley and is still married to him although his rack is better than hers now. No sympathy for a low class cumrag who's dropped from a six to a five even with access to her bitch husband's back account. Oh, and fuck overbearing mods.

Someone found and posted her fb a while ago on here...