"No one wants to talk about the Oscar's or anything else. EVUHREEONE is talking about Remy Martin vs Nikki Minaj"

15  2017-02-28 by RamonFrunkis

I live in an adult world and only heard of this because of Sam's babbling. Is it true this is making the rounds on those people twitter? I don't want to check and give my phone e-AIDs

Idea for a Morning Jam thread: write down all of Sam's blatantly wrong basic knowledge.

So far on the first break, we learned:

  • Nom de plume is apparently "nom de plurre", presumably a combination of plume and guerre
  • "Subsidary" IS a word, it is NOT subsidiary. Subsidary means "to give a subsidy" or subsidize in the English speaking world

yes, it's all over the internet and general media. just because you're old and probably racist doesn't mean no one cares, you cunt.

I work with plenty of retarded millennials. Not one of them gave a shit, and I'm too autistic to ask because I'll sound exactly like Sam "BODY EM!" Roberts.

So not liking pop rap is racist? You really are a jerk

This bit is complete trash

You should look into becoming a 40 something trucker. The phones are LUH-IT right now!

Tsss... it should be taken out by a retarded garbage robot or sumptin...

Sam i like the show but i don't care about your nigger people music dramas

What the fuck is this shit? I'm scared (Not really)...

This is fucking awful.

And I thought that mma dude for half an hour yesterday morning was bad... Jesus.

That stupid mongrel was dying to talk about this nigger bullshit, he had mentioned it yesterday, and decides this is a good way to kill time.

That was one of the worst hour of radio I have ever listened to. Not a single funny joke.

The sad thing is I spent the entire time thinking how legitimately hilarious this could be if Anthony was in. Sam is playing the "awkward, nerdy, incompetent, uselessly 'white' " Opie character, Jim is doing the best he can, but you need Ant mocking lazy rhymes and black stereotypes.

when you act smarmy and superior but you're a fucking retard

it really is cringeworthy seeing how little sam knows about the world as a man in his 30's

shit, i'd be willing to bet he barely knew anything about remy ma before her diss came out, he just follows trends blindly

Sam discussing this stupid nigger nonsense like he's breaking down a huge political scandal. Surprisingly a show with a predominantly white male audience doesn't give a shit about any of this trash.

Actually white males are responsible for around 60% of all hip-hop record sales, which makes them the majority of fans. I don't know if you've ever been to a rap show but usually white fans are well represented even with underground ghetto artist.

Sam is what, 35? Only teenagers (of all ethnicities) and black people (all ages) care about a diss track. Does Jim or Sam actually think their listeners want to hear that fake crap?

You're talking about a man child that gets fired up by wrestling promos...

True. They really need Anthony back. I wish he could stop talking about race for 5 minutes so he would be palpable to Sirius.

That Shether track is pretty good. She took shots at Nicki Minaj's peedo brother (No Milo).

She sounds like a tranny.

I am Julius Caesar.

No I am Julius Caesar.

I wanted to bite his face for asserting that and classic movie trivia Norton for fucking up one of the most famous scenes in movie history.

Fat Tuesday is the beginning of Mardi Gras (Pronounced by Sam with a big S on the end). It's actually the end.

Two illerierate cunts.

I downloaded this crap and skimmed the whole thing. There wasn't even a good ten minutes in it. Any self respecting black person doesn't listen to this show, so shut the fuck up about some pussies who have to fight like they are in a musical.

It's your own fault for listening to that faggotry.

Also, Sam said that Immortal Technique was on the show Oz. Which is not true. I get the feeling he doesn't actually know who Immortal Technique is.

You know, that did catch my ear this morning. I never watched Oz because black men raping white supremacists is Jim's reality. But I've known about IT for a while and thought that would be really fucking weird if he did something corporate mainstream.

I know was Treach from Naughty By Nature was on that show but I don't think Immortal Technique was but I could be wrong I didn't watch most of it. One thing I'm sure if though is that Sam is a poser who doesn't know shit about music.

Sam clearly wants to be a more relatable version of that peter rosenberg guy. And management loves that direction, i enjoyed the Lithgow segment. Peckahz

We also learned that "Fat Tuesday" is "The start of Mardi Gras." Actually, Mardi Gras MEANS Fat Tuesday and it's the last day of the celebration in New Orleans, not the start.

The story is big in New York, and the show is based in New York. If you're a midwesterner driving a truck maybe you should listen to Opie Radio that is a bit more dad friendly

Before I heard Haramberts talking about all of this all I knew was that Nikki Minaj existed and made rap music.

Got pretty annoyed with Sam's arrogance of knowing stuff about Hip-Hop and Jim not knowing.

The garbage we're talking about here and the hip hop you're talking about are mutually exclusive.