Sarah Silverman had to sacrifice having children to make millions of dollars

62  2017-02-28 by barlowqt


you certainly won't find that every woman on the Fortune 500 has children and most female executives have children

i'm not defending her point as a whole, it's a little dramatic. but in your example, most fortune 500 female executives don't spend a large chunk of their time on tour and away from home.

If you take every female Supreme Court justice we've ever had and add up all their children, it comes to zero. She's not that wrong.

Maybe highly successful women who have lofty aspirations don't want children holding them down, or gave romance a backseat entirely?

Because they're all dykes.

traveling the country and telling jokes sounds like a total waste of a life.

Sounds like heaven to me

Yes, yes they do in fact travel constantly. And they work 60-100 hour weeks consistently.

Most successful females have things to say about motherhood and success and I dont think most of them have said its no big deal and motherhood was a nonfactor in their decision making. Also, being a highly paid static entity like a CEO is not the same as someone who relies on both their looks and their ability to travel to earn money. Its pretty undeniable that a woman has to give up a lot to be a mother, and its not the same thing as a man. Now how thats relevant to a greater point I dont know I dont dog her twitter.

Yeah this is why there's a ton of shitty mothers out there that want to have their cake and eat it too. Rearing children is a noble cause why this culture looks down on it so much I will never understand.

Name five breakfast cereals!

your wrong about everything. most successful women/people you or I will never hear from because they tend to shut up and do ther jobs. parenting is the easier more pleasurable role vs a career, the stay at home parent is generally happier then the one who works, and a balance creates the most prosperity. your assuming based on nothing that CEO's and executives don't have to travel regularly for work, I spend 3 months a yr in central china, I would love to spend 3 days at the KC funny bone then go home. it is very easy to deny that motherhood involves sacrifice because it is directly correlated with a persons success and happiness.


I hope her nose falls off

Hey man, watch it! This isn't show-related

I sure hope the mods don't delete all my non show related posts! Thanks for the warning friendo

Funny how Joan Rivers managed to be both funnier than her and a mother at the same time

Not only funnier than her but I'd go as far as saying Joan was THE funniest female comic

What do you mean was?

She was moiduhed!

I hadn't heard. T&ps.

Well, she blurted out that Obama was gay and Michele was a tranny in a matter of fact way because she figured everyone knew. Next thing you know some doctor's got a camera down her throat snapping selfies and lets her die right in the office. It was only three years ago, I can see why you haven't heard.

k ty

Give me gold you fat cunt

I don't have any.


ya kiddin!

I put her in my top 5 overall, and I've never seen another female comic cite her as an inspiration.

Big Amy, Silverman, Griffin and Roseanne cited her all the time. Handler didn't because Joan told her to her face she sucked and brought up Handler fucking the E! guy for a job in an interview.

make me look like a dumb asshole why don't you

Joan is a good egg

Joan Rivers is also one of the hardest working comics, male or female, ever. It'saalmost like this idiot is just trying to justify her barren, loveless existence by making it seem like it was a choice, and then decided to throw in some half-baked nonsense about gender to sound smart.

Now she doesn't have an audience to tell her Jesus fucking a black guy jokes, she needs the SJW crowd.

It's called getting a live in Nanny you dumb heeb.

A woman who views motherhood as not living a full life shouldn't be having kids anyway. Way to justify your selfish life decisions. It was your choice to let those utilitarian birthing hips go to waste.

She definitely is: Wide in the hips...... Roomy

She would do well in the Amish community.

So she's never heard of Ali Wong....?

I envy her if she hasn't.

Silverman has terrible hips. She looks like a nude girl from Duke Nukem 3D.

She's got the same waist-hip ratio as a refrigerator box.

The moment women start talking about how they made the right choice in not having kids, you know they've been ruminating on it constantly and this is they way to get people to tell them they're okay. Yes Chelsea Handler, you're brave and brilliant for choosing white wine and selfies over having a family.

Handler's womb is polluted by vodka.

I hate Chelsea Handler, but she does have very lovely breasts. For anyone but particularly an older lady. Imagine the disaster zone they'd be after a kid.

case closed


Those can't be real, right?

Excellent question. There's been much deliberation on it, and it seems they are in fact real breasts.

I'm requesting Evidence B to be added to discovery.

This is better than the alternative which is having someone who's a mediocre mom because they weren't prepared for the sort of sacrifice being a mom was going to be.

I think the majority of women are good at it, even dumb strippers end up being good moms it's just they tend to not know who the dad is and that causes other problems.

I mean unless you straight up abuse your kids they will be fine, a ton of people have shitty moms or dads and turned out okay, it's just that people tend to be huge faggots these days and bitch about whatever they can. Society continually raising the bar about what it means to be a "good" parent has everyone terrified to do it and so now we're stuck with a plummeting birth rate.

I speak from experience. I have to be super dad to compensaste.

Yeah, and your kid will be okay. We all had one parent who was a piece of shit, it's just the people who have shitty dads talk about it more. The point is that unless you hate this kid and don't like this thing you made together, you have to on some level respect the mom who didn't just run off. and maybe you're basically a single dad at this point and the mother sucks that much, that's one thing but I also think in a lot of these cases the parent who ends up with the kid likes them and wouldn't trade them in for anything. To me, that's the sort of story more common than this hypothetical perfect mom or dad, and we've been doing this for tens of thousands of years.

You forgot to mention the Xanax and Vicodin.

She's upset she doesn't have anyone who truly cares about her, she's become a severely depressed clown and knows she is going to die alone (hopefully soon)

She "chose" this job over motherhood - to make people laugh, and she spends her days bitching about men on twitter. What a bold sacrifice she's made.

She's gonna cry about it later in life or, more likely, she'll have a kid at 55 like Janet.

Edit: I've been informed that Janet didn't have kids before because Michael had first dibs/dips. This leaves the question: who's raping children in Sarah Silverware's family?


Jimmy Kimmel is a millionaire.

She could've done whatever she wanted; with his millions there's no reason she'd have to make a choice between being a comic or being a mother.

But she fucked that up.

All for Matt Damon's gay ass.

No, Sarah. The real reason you decided not to be a mother is because you're an immature, self-centered person who couldn't handle the responsibility. Instead of keeping the human race going, you choose to pursue a career that feeds your ego and makes you feel important.

"The reason you decided not to be a mother is because you're an immature, self-centered person who couldn't handle the responsibility"

Are you talking directly to me right now?

I mean, I hate her but she's kind of right.

She isn't.

She is not a road comic that has to do 150 club dates to make a living. She has been a headliner for over a decade that can spend 2 months on the road headlining theaters for good money and see the kids for the other 10. She could even tour in the summer and take them with her.

She just freaked out because Jimmy Kimmel is having another baby with the woman he left her for.

She's a self righteous count who is trying to justify her shit personality and regrets.

That's all true..I still think she's right though in general

What a selfish cunt. Every "artist" lives a selfish life thinking its selfless.

Women who never have children get a little kooky come menopause

so much courage and brave and celebrate. she should get oscar or gold medal

And plenty of dads work shitty jobs and are on the road all year wish they could watch their kids grow up and form a proper relationship with them but they can't, and then they get called privileged and lucky for getting to lead the shallow existence of being a rented mule. And that's a fact cunt.

There's so much dumb in her little idea you'd never think she was older than college age.

That's a Jew's bread and butter. Retarded white youth, and the emulation thereof. That's where the entertainment dollar is at.


Just some of the white ones.

Can I save this for when Post of the year nomination time rolls around?

She's becoming the typical Jewish mother without the mother part.

dis bitch cray.

The fun dad? My dad leaves the house at 5 in the morning, and comes home at 5 in the evening. That doesn't leave much time to be fun. He's too busy putting food on the table. I mean his job is probably not as hard as being a stand up comedian. Artists are the most honorable and hard working people in the world...

They're the only ones who truly understand what it is to live a life.

Her words are a shovel and every one buries her further into a resting pit of asininity.

Used to be kinda cute then she turned into a bag of moldy oranges.

The real reason she never had a kid is because she's such a skank that every guy she fucked went in triple bagged so they didn't catch anything.

I understand Jimmy Kimmel wanted to have a kid with her but that didn't end well.

Damn she is getting hammered on this feed.

Can't wait for this bitch to have a full mental breakdown

Jonah set her off during that Franco roast and she's still salty about it

this is what happens when you dont have kids. Too much free time to type onto your computer machine, living your "fullest life"!

And not starting her 2017 tour until April.

Man, when would she have time for her kids taking 3 months off like this?

I dont know all the ways of how this "im offended" thing works but wouldnt this be considered extremely offensive to men who thinks they're women and cant have kids and now here she is calling it a sacrifice when they would give everything to do that. Not my personal beliefs but i smell a backlash.

Mid life crises

Sucks to have a ticking time bomb in your womb

Philosophy on what constitutes 'the good life' various a lot but rarely pays any attention to having children or gender. But obvioulsy they were all white men, apartt from the eastern ones. And the women.

Celebrities continue to prove they should stick to acting or comedy and keep their social and political views to themselves. Yet they keep making these ridiculous, self-gratifying, controversial, attention seeking posts because they are all narcissists. Somebody needs to create an app that requires a publicist to approve tweets before it is sent.

Someone would probably argue she's bad at being a woman. Which is probably accurate.

Impossible to find a dude to do it together with I guess.

Or if she can't find a dude, look at a life like this:

  • Get up 7am get kids off to school.
  • bang out any chores possible
  • because she works late, back to bed until school is over
  • homework, dinner, family stuff
  • 7pm nanny takes over bedtime duty while she leaves for work

Is that too much?

Or get a dude to be parent(s). Whiny cunt.


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I totally would be her house dad wtf is she talking about

It's always just a neverending string with these slits, of entitlement and demanding to have it both ways/all ways and if they don't have it all ways, oh what poor poor oppressed victims.

Example: not only MUST you agree that all forms of rape are in the same category, that there absolutely exists a rape culture, but that if you don't agree fully, you're complicit in rape culture. 100% of 100% of 100%. It's absolutely a slit thing.

Fact jack. Ew

Sarah is a baron old spinster whose box is dryer than a steven wright set in the mojave.

She could have bankrolled some dude to stay at home and raise her kids while she was out on the road. That's the choice men make. Something tells me she might not deem that individual worthy of her squared off frame and flour sock titties.

No kidding. There's an endless supply of mediocre male entertainers who would happily be stay-at-home dads for her. Unfortunately, women are chronically repulsed by men less successful than themselves.

Is she saying she is weaker then every other actress who had kids?

Sarah Silverman sacrifices children?!? this must be spread far and wide immediately!!!

"Women are just constantly patting themselves on the back."

Bill Burr

yeah, that guy spending 20-days at a time out on a North Sea oil rig sure is glad he isnt stuck at home with his son.

"I wish I could have had kids and then lived the ultimate woman's dream of seeing them on weekends sometimes." Sounds like her idea of female paradise is pretty similar to an overworked, divorced dad.

We all know the overworked divorced dads are the happy ones

My wife and I had a kid while she was chief resident in her medical residency. She worked 100 hour weeks regularly. It sucked but we got through it. Screw that whiny shrew. It's her own fault she didn't get knocked up, or adopt kids if she wanted to.

I'm confused by the anger here. Are you guys arguing for more Jews to be brought into this world? This bitch should be heralded as a saint for deciding to not reproduce. Most of you who have children should have done the same as well.

I don't know what would have been worse if this unfunny idiot reproduced or what we have now.

There's going to be an emotional void that she will struggle to fill for the rest of her life. Literally every fiber of a woman's being is telling them to reproduce so much so that it's actually physically unhealthy if they don't. I'm very grateful this asshole didn't pass her jeans on.

This dumb dumb noticed she had birther hips, but tried to be funny instead of pregnant. Now she's stuck with gross hips and she's not funny.

That's why Joan Rivers never got married or had children

another out of touch douche...nothing to see here

How many brofags were impressed with her edgy "racial humor" 10 years ago?

I'm not. If a man did the same set they'd be called a hack. At the same time she was getting big Dice was doing Chinese jokes on Filth and Face Down Ass Up and was called a hack. She said chink and people hailed her as a genius. She isn't better than Dice at his worst.

I wish she would have complications from surgery instead of awesome people like the tornado man.

Yeah, I should have given up the joy my kids have brought into my life to be a champion for fake victims in Twitter. Bitching about men all day andattention whoring seems much more fulfilling. Jesus, shut up you ignorant box.

Sarah Silverman fucked so many road comics that if she had a kid with one of them they'd all raise it together as a community, like an African tribe.

Thats pretty insulting to single moms who work and raise kid(s) on their own.

Maybe she should talk to Tom Segura and his wife Christina Pazsitzky. They just had a kid and while she's not touring as much she's still touring and putting content on there.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing you dipshit.

Christ, if she has kids those hangers she's got will end up with callouses

Plenty of men have had to sacrifice having a family, or even spent a lot of time away from their families because of work. What in the fuck is she talking about?

right because no showbiz kid has a shitty relationship with their absentee working father

Right, because "Dad was always away working, we hardly saw him, growing up" isn't the standard, boilerplate whine of the last few generations.

Turns out "Cat's in the Cradle" is all about what a good job that dude did, being his best fun dad self.

Did she just call my mom an asshole?

She says she chose the fullest life. I think most moms would disagree with her. What a cunt. Life on the road telling pussy jokes, yeah that's a more fulfilling life. In 20 years nobody will remember her.

She was cute and funny on SNL but she's really evolved into an old shrew over the years.

She got more time on Mr. Show than they gave her on SNL. And she only did 3 or 4 skits on Mr. Show.

wish my wife was a Sliverman fan so she could refine her expectations for Dads.

Sarah Silverman says something dumb. News at 11.

She would never be the fun parent anyway. Women are rarely if ever, the fun parent.

As a working father and with wife at home, I would switch in a second, seriously. Fuck you and your barren ovaries you unfunny twat

I bet she has a dog, and that's just like a child.

my cat acts just like a dog. My dog is just like a kid!! My kid is so smart, he's just like a grown up...

She was probably triggered by Jimmy Kimmel posting pictures of himself having fun with his kids. That dude made some good decisions in his life and settled down with someone who is normal and not a neurotic twat.


I've heard her say years ago the reason she chose not to have kids is because she suffers from depression and didn't to potentially pass that on to her offspring and burden another human being with it.

Now that she's a regressive leftist, she changes her story to mold it into crybaby whining/ammo for the "down with straight white males" machine.

I bet she thinks her early success wasn't based on her youthful good looks. Now she looks like a Jersey 6 and can't handle the truth. Time's up, ugly.

Why does she think we care? Why is she such a self involved cunt?

Those lucky men that don't get to see their children and have to go work like a slave.

"that's the fact jack"

Yes, you're really living the life.

Blame God, he's the one that gave you a womb and all that other lady stuff.

Sarah is a bad fuck. She can't keep a man,last one leaving showbiz and moving to bum fuck town in Scotland.

She must hate Bonnie; having a child, being able to maintain a career as a comedian while actually being funny.

Its like the only career possible for someone is being a comedian. Most people hate their jobs bitch.

"The reason you decided not to be a mother is because you're an immature, self-centered person who couldn't handle the responsibility"

Are you talking directly to me right now?

There's so much dumb in her little idea you'd never think she was older than college age.

Handler's womb is polluted by vodka.

I hate Chelsea Handler, but she does have very lovely breasts. For anyone but particularly an older lady. Imagine the disaster zone they'd be after a kid.

Just some of the white ones.

Sounds like heaven to me

This is better than the alternative which is having someone who's a mediocre mom because they weren't prepared for the sort of sacrifice being a mom was going to be.

You forgot to mention the Xanax and Vicodin.

Can I save this for when Post of the year nomination time rolls around?