-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐 Don't mind me just taking my mods for a walk

89  2017-02-28 by Thomas_Daly




do you just have to google things like "swastika ascii" to find those images?

i give so small of a shit that i'd rather just ask than find out right now in a shorter amount of time

I Googled "don't mind me just taking my mods"

That's adorable. I want some.

kill all kikes.

Hey now

Thomas Daly best poster

Rules are for fools.

I'm a mod and this thread is shut down. You're all under arrest.

You're a real treat, Thomas.

Mods are douches

i love this sub and i love you guys

How man nigger faggots does it take to shame a jew?
No, seriously...

I love the mod's limits. Nigger and faggotry is okay but rape? NO! DELETE!