
25  2017-02-28 by duranfarbissina


Oh no, the snivelling nu-male who's constantly going on about male privilege and rape culture turned out to be a hypocrite?

Anybody else could have seen this coming from a mile away.

is this cunt implying that the earth isn't flat? Where is this emoji diversity? This is bullshit!

Twitter is obviously run by sphere cucks.

women don't know history ... those who desperately pander to the victim class tend to do it, out of actual guilt

my fucking god!

Male feminists are either clever rapists acting as a Trojan horse, or beta nu males who got their shit wrecked in high school and now hate their own gender and want to use what little power they gain to promote their self hatred. I think most men are okay with women being able to do things like wear pants or whatever the dumb cunts want, but men who take on the identity of feminist are usually mentally ill

If you actually want an insight to what kind of people they are, go check out the FB post made. Literally every 3rd or so comment on it is ''I stopped listening for a while because I had to deal with some issues'' or some variant.

I'd give this Gold if I didn't spend all my money on whores and McDonalds.

Guess again you ol bitch!

Nu Male is just a variation of the 70's Sensitive Male (See Woody Allen). They all white knight as a way to get pussy. I'm surprised women still fall for it.

This gal was on "The Facts of Life".

Her twitter bio is fucking enraging.

Feminists emulate men right down to the haircut. Makes sense

If you actually want an insight to what kind of people they are, go check out the FB post made. Literally every 3rd or so comment on it is ''I stopped listening for a while because I had to deal with some issues'' or some variant.

I'd give this Gold if I didn't spend all my money on whores and McDonalds.