Anyone want an update on my girl situation?

0  2017-02-27 by TheScarletR

I dont have anything relevant to post, but I like interacting with you folks

We're fucking without a condom and she told me she loves me


You never ask me about my girl situation.

Well, Im askin

It's shit.

You know any cute, single redheads (women. natural born women)?

Unfortunately not, sir. I stick to orientals.

The brown ones or the good ones?

Good ones. Shes a light skinned, round eye asian

Hopefully shes buried underneath the floor boards.

Who am I, Truman Capote?!

Could you imagine if everyone on this sub made these "anyone want an update on my girl situation? Things happened but you have to first tell me that you want to hear it" posts instead of just you?

I can imagine that.

I'm currently trying to weasel my way out of a situation with a girl who's pretty crazy about me for a gorgeous girl who's ten years younger than me and most likely nothing but trouble. Fun times.

That sounds like fun times, indeed

Yours sounds fun as well... High stakes games can bring you to some pretty awesome peaks.

Word. This girl and I live about 2.5 hours apart and are still managing to see each other at least once a week.

Her parents are very traditional asians so they keep a close eye on her and arent aware that shes been seeing me, which makes it a little difficult.

I hope you're prepared to face her father in hand to hand combat like in Wayne's world 2

Her parents met in a refugee camp so he should be a formidable appointment.

Is this the girl you couldn't get it up for last time? I'd like an update.

Yes it is. Last week I went over to her house and we spent the whole day in her bed fucking and watching stuff on netflix. I had no problem staying hard, we tried a few different positions but I was never able to cum, which isnt that big of a deal to me.

She came to my house yesterday and we did pretty much the same thing. We've fucked about 8 times and I never reach orgasm, but I give her a good plowing. When we were done having sex (we were both worn out) I joked "one of these days I'll cum". She laughed and said "yeah! One of these days"

Im glad you asked cause I was achin to tell someone all this good stuff

Im still waiting for an O&A reference...

Ill give you 8 hours til i hit that report button

I fingered her butthole. Jimmy likes butt play.

Fuckin ay mate. Good for you. Not that it's that important -- I'd rather fuck for hours than cum straight away -- but what's happening with the ejaculation thing? That used to happen to me when I was prescribed speed. Are you doing to many pelvic floor exercises or what?

(Or is this an joke I'm missing??)

I think its a side effect of my Zoloft, which she doesnt know I take. It takes me forever to cum when I masturbate too unless I seriously focus on finishing.

Don't take that shit, man. It's fucking toxic. Seriously you're better off becoming an alcoholic -- we've been dealing with that for centuries -- than taking MAOI's.

Glad you're fucking the shit out of that whore though. Pics would be nice.

Yeah I wanna get off it but need to find another solution. It definitely stunts my emotions, which its supposed to, but it sucks.

She wont even show me skin on skype, shes all in-person

Good luck bro. Keep the updates coming.


Thanks man

I'm on it too and aside from sexual side effects like the one you described it's been really good and keeps me from having suicidal thoughts so I'd rather just not commit suicide than be able to ejaculate.

Thats how I look at it but it hasnt exactly solved my issue with suicidal thoughts either.

How much are you on? I just upped my dosage to 100mg like two weeks ago and its helped a little bit but I have all kinds of other stuff that its not done much for.

Yeah 100 is what I take too. I also take Wellbutrin and the two seem to work well together. I didn't take meds for a long time and self-medicated with booze and a variety of drugs but that's a better short-term solution than long-term.

I just got on Wellbutrin last week because of the ejaculation issues. And same here, I've medicated with weed for about 8 years and its an extremely short term solution in that I forget about stuff while Im high but it has done nothing for me long term. In fact its probably made things worse for me when Im sober.

Good to know Im not alone here.

Are you sober now? This is the first time in a while that I've been completely off everything and I feel a shitload better. Still have cravings sometimes for opiates but I don't miss booze at all.

Not completely sober. Over the last couple months I've cut back from getting stoned right when I wake up to only smoking right before I go to bed (it calms my anxiety so I can fall asleep) and that has made a huge difference. Im still working toward getting off it altogether but literally everyone in my immediate family smokes pot so its taking me a while to commit.

Not pics of her, you! You silly goose.

Not pics of her, you! You silly goose.

Zoloft is not an MAOI; those are the old style antidepressants. You're thinking of SSRI.

My bad. I've taken both. In my experience they're bad news. Seen people around me do weird things on them.

It's cool, fam. It's my opinion that around 85-90% of the people on antidepressants don't need to be taking them and would be doing just as well without anything.

Amen. Like all the other drugs that affect mood they're totally over prescribed. It's Big-Pharma, maaaaannnnnN!

(Ironically I'm desperate to get back on my ADD meds but the doctors won't see anyone here. All these quacks in the region have been struck off for ridiculous over-prescription so the Psychs here are gun-shy.)

Good to hear. If she tolerated you long enough to get to this point youre over the hill and it should only get better. Well, sex-wise at least, you may or may not find other reasons to hate to hate her(or vice versa), but good luck!

You still haven't busted a nut in/on this girl?

Unfortunately not.

Rate her from 1 to 10.

I'd give her a solid 7

She said you only have a solid 2 1/2

Thats pretty generous

Keep your goddamn happiness out of my sub you glad tidings cunt

Im new to this happiness thing

nice sounds much better than my gf leaving me bc shes been secretly into girls her whole life and wants to see before she settles down

At least its an interesting story

thats def one way to look at it

I hope you're prepared to face her father in hand to hand combat like in Wayne's world 2

Yeah I wanna get off it but need to find another solution. It definitely stunts my emotions, which its supposed to, but it sucks.

She wont even show me skin on skype, shes all in-person

Im new to this happiness thing

Not pics of her, you! You silly goose.

At least its an interesting story

Zoloft is not an MAOI; those are the old style antidepressants. You're thinking of SSRI.