"Australian Corals are okay because sharks are protecting them" -Syrian Oceanographer Antwan Kumiya

16  2017-02-27 by harriswill


The coral fish used to kill the sharks but after a while the sharks were like "whoa! We gotta stop trying to kill these fish!"

you should start a podcast


sharks are such bitches

fuckin highschool dropout armchair expert, who gives a shit what his opinions are.

shut up and tell us about fucking your niece.

Interesting to see Anthony promote Lysenkoism

Learned something new today

Nice to see him still so interested in science and technology.

Hey, at least Ant still supports abortion.

Otherwise he's has all of the bad traits of conservatives. But still it's more palatable than extreme liberals.

Do you use key macros every time you wedge ill-formed political thoughts into an apolitical discussion? Or do you type out liberal, conservative, left, and right in every single comment?

It's like all of the animals are just taking care of each other!

Anthony is one of the most insufferable kinds of people. A know-it-all that's too stupid to realize he knows next to nothing.

The "know-nothing know-it-all"

The "know-nothing know-it-all"